V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Saw my 1st PPV4 on the road today. Fully luggaged, two up and went past Seaways Café around 11am.

    Anyone from ‘ere?
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  2. [​IMG]
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  3. Those levers are beautiful. Who makes them? I do find the stock ones a bit of a large reach even when brought in as far as they'll go
  4. They’re from Conquest Racing. Ordered Sunday, delivered this morning. Will be fitted tomorrow when my hangover subsides.

    At the races tonight….
  5. £750 for a coat of paint :p
  6. Look like Ducabike levers from Conquest Racing, I have them on my V4 very good and better that the OEM ones, more adjustable and better feel.
  7. They are. You’re largely to blame for my purchase!
  8. And do they come back to the bar a lot more than stock? That's really the issue I have
  9. The dry clutch is apparently £4k! But £750 for the calipers is very steep.
  10. Think that is the same for many including me. No idea why Ducati designed it with such a long stretch to the lever.
  11. Yes - they are flatter (that is not so curved at the end) and the adjustment means that you can get them parallel to the bars. I fitted them as I had an operation on my hand and found the OEM levers a bit far to reach easily,.
  12. Haha, that would have been me most likely, I'd love to say that we were off on a mega tour somewhere but actually just getting my better half familiar with the bike all "panniered" up :D before setting off for Croatia next week. She said there was a PP in the car park as we passed but I didn't believe :rolleyes:, I was too busy concentrating on unpredictable Capt, Slow in his camper van in front :bucktooth:.
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  13. I was enjoying a bacon sandwich at the time!
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  14. All that money on the full system and dry clutch, then they ruin it with a hideous top box! :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Try the Evotech levers. I have the shorties on mine, they’re exceptional quality, and much cheaper than some of the other options out there.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I totally appreciate that we all, myself included, like/prefer to 'personalise' our bikes in a variety of different ways. However, that said, listening to most, if not all of you V4 Pikes Peak owners constantly going on about how utterly brilliant this bike is, then to spend loads of cash changing things, left right and centre, makes me wonder what the heck you are all on. Is it the 'best thing since sliced bread' or not, in standard trim? If it indeed ISN'T, which seems to me to be the case, then STOP talking the damn bike up, all of the time........
    Sorry, just wanted to get this thing out of my head and off my chest so to speak.
    No offence intended :expressionless:
    • Funny Funny x 9
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. I think the few who think the V4PP looks cool and indeed spend more than the jaw dropping RRP on farkles are actually wrong, as displayed by the majority who buy it, attach panniers and a top box and tour the world with their loved one.
  18. Ultimately that is what it is designed for. Touring.
    If you want a bike just to have fun with, there are better options imho.
  19. What’s wrong and what’s right is all down to personal opinion. Personally, if I wanted to strap on hard luggage and tour with the wife, I’d have bought a V4S, as it would be much more comfortable and better for the job, as a few on here have found. But for chucking a soft bag on the back and spanking around the back roads, all the way down to Italy, it’s spot on.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. I was pulling your leg, but you do (regularly) treat those who choose top boxes with a tad of negativity.

    One out of twenty buyers will use the PP for spanking back roads, so you just have to accept folk buy it because it's a range topper, not it's ability for any particular use.

    NB: I think a top box on a V4PP should be punishable by licence revocation, but that's the one and only time I will mention it :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
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