V4 V4s Catasrophic Oil Leak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Gothrick, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. My 2021 MTS V4S with 3k on the clock decided to dump its oil while I was out riding on Friday evening, covering the bike, rear tyre and me in hot engine oil. I was lucky to stay upright when it happened! Ducati Roadside recovery a complete and utter joke. No answer after listening to 40 minutes of recorded music so gave up and got a friend to recover me home. Managed to get hold of them the following day after an equally long wait and got the bike taken to supplying dealer. As it's the weekend I have to wait for them to contact Ducati on Monday to sort out repairs.
    Absolutely no idea where the oil leak originated as it was splattered all over the engine even the headers so will have to wait for the diagnosis. Could be rocker cover, could be sump pan?
    Internet search found Youtube video of a guy in Hong Kong with a similar failure but no details.
    Probably looking at a lengthy repair turn around and I'll be bloody angry if Ducati don't provide an adequate replacement in the meantime and take care of my damaged kit.
    Do you think they should also replace the oil contaminated rear tyre as well?





  2. Hard to determine where the leak emanates from judging by your pictures and the airflow over the engine potentially disguising the source of the leak. I would have thought, if it were from the cam covers it would have been a weep as opposed to a steady stream of oil, which from the pool on the floor, suggests so. Hope you get it sorted and yes I think you do have a case for a replacement rear tyre.
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  3. It’s under warranty, I’d expect the tyre to be replaced.
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  4. That cam cover gasket doesn't look right :astonished: has it been apart before?
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  5. I thought the same, surely it didn’t come like that from factory.
  6. Bike brand new to me zero miles and never been apart so must have left the factory like that!
  7. My new Scrambler did exactly that in Scotland in July. Seems the oil filter seal was crimped and it blew oil all over the back of the bike including the rear tyre, under pressure.

    The dealer sorted it all. And quickly.
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  8. Did they replace the tyre?
  9. No. But the cleaned it very well. Honest.
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  10. Had a similar experience on a 1260 on my way to Wales and it was the high pressure hose feeding the oil cooler that had come loose (4th picture top right). The result was oil mist spraying everywhere but only when the engine was running. A quarter turn on the hose nut stopped the leak and the dealer then fitted new seals when I got back home.
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  11. Whoa, that must have been bloody scary. Well done for staying upright.
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  12. my mates new v4s did the same thing
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  13. Eeek… :astonished:
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  14. talked to several owners with rocker cover seal leak soon after purchase from new, but oil witness above this seal/on the rocker cover, might mean leak is higher than this.
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  15. Thanks for the info cookster - you don't happen to know which dealer sorted it do you?
  16. it was riders in bristol mate
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  17. That’s the third time , I’ve heard of them dumping their oil.
    I know the other 2 people …..
    It’s not right brilliant is it statistically. It’s potentially a scary failure mode :worried:
  18. Bike needs to come back to you perfect. I would expect the bike with a new tyre.

    If it’s very new you might have grounds to back the bike to the dealer.

    oil leaks can be a bitch because even a little bit of oil can look like a lot when the bike is in motion and especially when it hits anything hot! It goes EVERYWHERE!

    hope you get it sorted
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Just to add, and may be a bum steer. But the V4R Panigale’s had an issue with spewing their oil. But I think the problem was a seal behind the clutch basket and perhaps just affected the dry clutch set up…
  20. If it's any consolation, I waited 4 and a half hours at the side of the road for greenflag on a Friday night recently. Cnuts
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