left school in the summer of 76 before going to collage later that year , pint of larger and lime 45p, 10 park drive 30p and my first bike a Honda CD175 s reg £375 luxury:tongue:
You were being ripped off because I defo remember that you could get a round of 3 pints of Morelands Best Bitter out of a £1 and still have a penny change. Mind you, lager was always pricier. God knows what they charged for the lime shot. My first bike was a CD 175 too - N reg. £100 from my brother in 1981. It was not luxury, but it was a motorbike (just).
No fork lift to unload though! Top left shows one of the philipino workers unloading 16 ton of Kit Kats from the rear door. Top right Just pulled up for a cuppa near the Jordan Saudi border.
Absolutely fantastic! Astran? Got a quote off them last year for a corporate gig in Quatar...a mere £32 grand plus the vodka and tonic I didn't get the gig.... Are you still driving? (sorry for the thread hijack boys and girls...)
^ ^ you dark horse Steve - must have been a game at times keeping on top of the servicing. Ice Road Truckers on Ch 5 must appeal to you more than the average 'Joe'
Fond memories Chris but pleased they're behind me, my lorries all worked in the UK and servicing was a nightmare, no time to myself at all. Steve
Correct. But I was 15, which makes me a slightly older bastard. I don't care as manifestly I am surrounded by even older bastards.