He's rather over ambitious with the word deluxe in the bikes description, don't you think. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/25571808...6++86nmx++gHK0nE3F+okpsw==|tkp:Bk9SR7ibmOHkYA
I’m not overly convinced it’s a delux… he could have been more specific in his advert ffs , is it a delux or not
I like that Deluxe - it’s the sort of dusty bike you’d see in a rural village in The Med, parked up an alley, with chickens and tractors nearby…
For those of you that wear a codpiece at the weekends, perhaps this delicious Desmosedici rr. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/33455654...rentrq:272dd0411830acf315035ce1fffc7fe2|iid:1
Why the hell would anyone want to restore it? It's perfect as it is, mechanically sound but cosmetically honest with all it's history on show. I wish I had room for it.
This may be of interest to those that have not already seen the ads for a 998r: Ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/26582433...XZnTNVBunc+tDZYoIKeTkVptY=|tkp:Bk9SR9qaz_TkYA . Fastline: https://www.fastline.co.uk/used-ducati-998-preston-lancashire-4545528 . Tom.
Not sure the purist will be impressed with bathtap shite fork adjusters and M&P fake carbon indicators.
would of had this normally :- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/144710596900?_trkparms=amclksrc=ITM&aid=1110006&algo=HOMESPLICE.SIM&ao=1&asc=20200818142055&meid=aaffa351374c4a8081081e59e7d609b4&pid=101113&rk=4&rkt=12&sd=255718084956&itm=144710596900&pmt=0&noa=1&pg=2563228&algv=DefaultOrganicWeb&_trksid=p2563228.c101113.m2108 originally black/V5 change last November.
A great first FUN advertisment photograph on this Ducati Multistrada. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/18557261...rentrq:2b65fd2f1830a765a108bb26fffc247b|iid:1
I think quite possibly this man is or wants to be an astronaut. https://www.autotrader.co.uk/bike-d...e=Ducati&advertising-location=at_bikes&page=5
Ducati 996sps, tall money but i love the note that says Protwins comfirmed it's never been on a track day. https://www.carandclassic.com/car/C1499316
Do they really sell for this money? Note from Protwins is like ex-wife sending message saying 'I didn't peg him' but other may have
100% on the second part, the advertisted price and perhaps not the necessary sold price, hmm who knows as it's a fickle market.
Ducati moped, this could be the perfect package for all you european motorhome travellers. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/15515883...R9l0O84nCinN9tI32/uHYFVdM=|tkp:Bk9SR7i44NnmYA
Warning: Viewers of a nervous disposition may wish to avoid this bike. Disclaimer: bootsam does not infer, imply nor assert that anyone following the link has any kind of disposition at all.