What to do in London football related

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Hi Guys

    Stupid question from someone who knows nothing about football and hasn't visited the sights in London since the 70's :frown:

    I have a Japanese client who is visiting London in August 14/18

    He is going to visit Chelsea Stadium and Warner Bros to visit Harry Potter as he has a young son

    Can anyone recommend anything else maybe slightly off the tourist trap route?

  2. Football related eh? Have you thought about getting him pissed and rampaging through town centres mugging old ladies?
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  3. Driving a taxi?
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  4. Imperial war museum, oh maybe not......
  5. In all seriousness London is a great place for Tourists. If you get a chance pop into WHSmiths and pick up a Lonely Planet guide or something similar. There is an awful lot of great stuff to do in the city. I would advise against Chinatown for obvious reasons. Gabriel's Wharf on the South bank is a great place to grab some lunch and you get easily walk to the London Eye, London Aquarium, Tate Modern, St Pauls etc

    Gabriels Wharf | Riverside shopping eating and drinking | Coin Street
  6. blimey you lot know how to have a good time

    his son is 11 and I will not be going with - just he wanted some ideas and he's mad on football
  8. Visit Battersea dogs home. Oh no, that's Koreans isn't it?
  9. Are there any stadium tours going on? Emirates? Stamford Bridge? White Hart Lane?
  10. Might seem a little obvious but Wembley might be on his list. After all, we invented the game, it's the spiritual home of football, drenched in history (well it used to be) they do tours (I think) blah blah blah
  11. Then after Wembley get him to pop in to Hilton next door. We got plenty of Chinese/Japanese guests that we have no idea what they are on about so one more will not hurt ;)
  12. As he's not from these shores, he must be a Man U fan. Why would he want to visit Stanford Bridge?
  13. Sherlock Holmes Museum, Baker Street or how about Jack the Ripper's manor at the end of the Commercial Road Bishopsgate/Aldgate. :eek:

    If they are real football fans then The Boleyn Ground, Upton Park. :cool: COYI.
  14. If he's really football mad there's only one thing to do! get on a train and come up to ANFIELD where the best football will be played this season.
  15. If he likes a bit of 80's nostalgia I suppose ! :wink:
  16. Isn't the best of Anfield moving to Highbury? :wink:
  17. .....already moved to West Ham :cool:
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