Could someone please tell me how to remove the handlebar weights from a '97 900SS ? I'd like to fit some bar end mirrors. Mr Haynes says 'unscrew the weight', but there's nothing resembling a screw - the weight looks like it has a pop rivet in the end of it.
Can't help on this, as there are no weights on the '94 ones I have, just a plastic plug in the end. Agree the standard mirrors are not much use though.
Tis a pop rivet. Drill the head off, then drift the barrel back up into the clip on. This will allow you to then gently drift the plug/weight out from the other end. Might have to watch the bar-end mirror fixing arrangement - there's a slight reduction in the ID of the clip on about 10mm up from the end (helps the plug stay in place), which might interfere with the bar end mirror, if it's a snug fit (assuming its an expanding plug type)
No, not an allen head. The picture I've tried to attach is the near (clutch) side, but the one on the throttle side looks exactly the same. I'm not sure if its a weight or not - it might be possible to prise out but I don't want to break anything with excessive force!
As Hejira858 says, it's a rivet. Drill the head off it and use a punch to knock the remainder through to the inside then pull the bar end out. If you want to reuse it in the future you'll need to be careful not to damage it when you drill the head off the rivet. I've pulled them out in the past using a pair of grips. Doesn't do the finish any good but you could wrap masking tape around it first.
Pull the black end caps off the other end of the bars and use a piece of steel bar as a drift to knock it out.
Thanks everyone for your help, much appreciated. I'll break out the drill tomorrow and gently drill the head off the rivets. Interesting design choice there.