McDuke is dead, may he rest in pieces.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Maximus Thunder, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Get well soon ... I'd be heartbroken if mine got trashed :(
    I hope you find something to make up for it
  2. Ouchhhh
    I fractured mine and dislocated the other I feel for
    Though glad to read that your still here
    You are probably saying never again but time heals and the pain subsides and you miss riding
    Have you got leathers and helmet cover.
    Take it easy rest up and do as your told
  3. When I rang in to tell my boss (who had spent more time in hospital through bike accidents than he'd care to remember) that I wouldn't be in for a while following my 749 accident he said 'any bike accident you can hobble away from is a good one' - Sounds like you're in a worse state than hobbling, but the sentiments are the same.

    speedy recovery
  4. Oh shitty derth , hopefully Mr Macduke was carrying a donor card :biggrin:
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  5. Only three limbs broken - talk about lucky! I'd be thinking of buying a lottery ticket if you're SO lucky you've got one unbroken limb!
    All my sympathy, fella. Hope it all works out OK.
  6. It has already been suggested by my brother to buy a lottery ticket but it's a little difficult to pop to the shops at the minute. My lucky steak will hopefully last a bit longer.

    Thanks to all for all the good wishes.

    I'll keep you posted on my future in biking. I might end up putting my 600ss back on the road. I'm sure ducbird will appreciate that.
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  7. sounds like a close one, glad your in one piece, get well soon
  8. Feel for you - had a similar crash 4 years back (my fault unfortunately). Won't bore you with the multiple injuries me and my wife received, but most things heal up pretty well!! Take it easy and wish you a good and speedy recovery.
  9. Did you chase the driver shouting 'come back yer bastard, tis only a scratch! :biggrin:

    Gws fella, sounds like god was shining on you :upyeah:
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  10. Mmmmmm, lucky steak
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  11. I think I had the lucky steak for my lunch before the accident.

    I'll blame the spelling on the pain killers.
  12. Hi hope you get well soon.
  13. Glad yr ok (ish)

    Curious as to what the driver had to say regarding 'losing control'at 30mph?
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  14. I'm no expert in these matters, but my initial reaction (once I'd got over how ill I felt) would be to think, right you bastard, I'm taking you to the cleaners for the bike, the riding gear and all the personal injury and trauma. After all, if you are on your side of the road in a 30 minding your own business, then none of this calamity is your fault.

    So stick it to him. At the end of the day, surely that is what 3rd party insurance is for, not for fixing odd dents in a carpark.

    Get well soon and start planning how to get the max (and what to spend it on).
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  15. Having been hit by a woman who thought she was driving in France ( she was driving in Otley!) therefore came round a bend on my side of the road you can definately have sympathy from me- that split second before impact (for me at least) is like an eternity

    Luckily I was in a car at the time

    Sorry to hear of your injuries - three limbs? Hope that the one left unbroken is the 'ahem' important one for those manly requirements (!)

    Really sorry to hear about the bike - its gutting - but on the bright side you are still here to have fun choosing a replacement - including new leathers / lid etc :)

    If you need any advice at all re claiming etc dont hesitate to ask - I am a solicitor who deals with this sort of stuff - happy to help if you need it
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  16. My right leg is unbroken. So I can still kick the dog when he sits on my broken leg.......if that's what you mean by manly requirements.:wink:
  17. I was hoping you'd have at least an arm free, so once on the throne you can take care of your own administration.

    I'm glad you're alive and that your injuries will heal.

    Make the most of the nurses!
  18. I joined uniform, they came to collect me in a van with flasing lights, then took me to a hotel where all the ladies wear nurses uniforms.....and gave me drugs. Why do online dating when you can go straight to the source.

    They discharged me on Tuesday evening with the aid of a "Buckingham Easy Wipe" for "administration" purposes, I think they needed the bed space and hospitals are not for me. There's no place like home.
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  19. you got my pm?
  20. Yep, seen it now. Thanks for the info. My insurance company has put me in touch with their solicitors and they're going to send out some info, I'll take a look and then maybe give your friend a call.
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