Ducati dealers can sell as many Multis as they can get their hands on at the moment. They have no need to reduce the price.
Ignore doom and gloom old tech bloke there ^^^ They seem no better nor worse than most other brands, just that people have higher expectations and with innovation comes cost
So there's nothing major to worry about. A Mate has an older model and had no real issues with it. If I go for the deal will likely be getting lower seat, termi end can and back box as well plus dealer was suggesting changing tyres to pilot road 3 from the start for 80. So my plan was to try and get the seat and tyres upgrade for three. I would have thought that wouldn't be too much to knock off
I really sorry to hijack this thread but does anyone know the guy that lives in Alton that put a late red framed 999S up on e bay very recently which didn't sell?if so please could you put me in touch.
errrrrrr not true no sand cast cases no higher rev ceiling as bradders said they measure it different thats also a well known fact they also have heavier engine internals compared to the earlier S.
Its not even the same bore or stroke . The later S engine bears no resemblance to the early R engine .
Thanks for all that offered advice. I've eventually gone for px deal of 4500 against a new multi as got very little interest trying to sell it.
woll be sad to see it go but defiantly for the best as dont get as much pleasure out of riding as a I used to with wrist pain and is wasted just sat in the garage. Still can't believe that i struggles to sell
A brave choice. Knackered wrists already and now you've bought a bike with no back brake, a noisy windshield, clicky/ noisy front forks, fast wear heated grips and misting instruments.
Thanks for that mate. Ha. Don't use back brake that much anyway so not bothered. Will possibly look at mra vario screen anyway. What is the fast wear heated grips?.