McDuke is dead, may he rest in pieces.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Maximus Thunder, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Fuck the insurance compay, call Jude. Sooner the better.
  2. having been through an accident and 3 months in hospital, and not working for a year, there is no way I would ever go with my insurance companies solicitors ever again, they where awful, they seem to run your case as a team in a once a month meeting, they changed my solicitor 6 times , i could never get hold of them, or would they return my calls for updates, they lost my accounts book, I finally ditched them after 2 years and went with a local solicitor, he was brilliant, a very complex case though, but liability admitted, took five years though , concluded last july
  3. Maximus... oh dear oh dear... "head on by a van" sounds as nasty as it can get... so thanks whomever you need to thank ... and a big cheers from me... sorry for the demise of you dearest... but there are more of those around... :)

    cheers and get well soon!
  4. Have you got a long line of Ambulance Chasers yet?
  5. 2nd that. I was a mess in Addenbrooks so didn't really care. Was in bupa at Stanmore so rather nice, other than the circumstances. However Broomfield obv thought I wasn't cost effective so determined to poison / starve me to death - never been so pleased to get away from that particular place, even if it meant 3 months back at me mums!
  6. Really sorry to be reading this, but pleased that you're injuries aren't worse, and most of all you've still got your sense of humour! Good luck with the recovery, and I hope that you get a really good payout for the suffering you are going through! Chris
  7. Where was it? I live in Guiseley so very close to you - I guess we ride the same roads - my head on was on the biking road between otley and blubber houses ?
  8. That really is shit! Sorry to hear about the bike but even more sorry to hear about you, as has been said, the bike is replaceable you are not.

    I know this sounds crap and probably the last thing on your mind but is there anyone who can take a few photos of the scene, more specifically around the skid marks etc, sooner rather than later cos pound to a pinch of shit the idioat driver will claim it was your fault.

    I have full sympathy with you Get well soon.
  10. Good to hear you are so upbeat after such an experience. Hope you are all mended up and back on a bike soon.
  11. ask to buy the bike back form the insurance company and remember the bike is still your property untill you decide what to do with it and if you can get it picked up and store it yourself , they can not do anything to the bike without your say so , unless it is a cat B then it has to be broken you will make more money from selling the bits yourself , or better still put it back on .the road as a special ,plenty of parts on the net ,and plenty of advice on here .
    I had a mate who crashed his Fireblade , when he told me what the damage was a srape in the tank and the fairing down one side and a foot peg and that was it , they kept the bike and stored it and when he went to see the bike they told him it had already been broken:eek: but he still had the v5 and did not give them permission to do anything and had not recived any payment so it was basicly theft , insurance companys will try and screw you any way they can even if that means keeping your property, so i helped him sort it and he got a very big payment after i proved that they sold his property with out his permission.
    So a long story short get your property back and you decide its fate :upyeah:
    #51 motojohn, Jul 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
  12. Where is the bike now? I can collect it if you need.
  13. I know exactly how you feel mate, after picking up my new bike last week I've already been knocked off by a stupid old bint in a car park! Didnt look where she was going and basically pushed me over!

    Luckily she's admitted liability and the bike is now in the shop being fixed up :D
  14. Sorry to hear about your accident Max and a speedy recovery to you.:smile:
  15. "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again" as the song goes. Best of luck.
  16. Please don't use the solicitors that your insurance company provides. Use White Dalton or Coles Miller down in Poole. These chaps know what they are doing when it comes to bikes :upyeah:
  17. I unfortunately have two cases running.
    Case 1, is being handled (fucked up) by the solicitors that were given (I suspect bought/bid for) the case from the underwriter.
    Case 2, is being handled by in a professional and timely manner by Minster Law, recommended to me by a forum member.

    Go with a personal recommendation.
  18. Why go to Poole when you have a company here?
  19. I live in London and used them to great financial benefit. Did everything over the phone or email
  20. Ok I know fuck all. Bye.
    #60 supervee, Jul 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2013
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