Mhr Resto, Tea And Sympathy...

Discussion in 'Vintage' started by Paul55, Sep 13, 2022.

  1. That was an option and OEM if I am not mistaken.
  2. OEM. You can still buy black plastic trumpets new, but grey plastic as per OEM - not so easy.
  3. MDINA.
  4. Do yourself a favour and swap out the plastic fuel banjo's on the side of the carbs as they are prone to breaking.
    Replace them with metal ones, it could save you a world of pain IME.

    Steve R
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. I agree, plastic amongst all that metal does seem an unnecessary failure point.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Great thread. Got your Steampacket tickets for 2023 sorted? I finally got to the Classic TT/Manx GP this year, stayed on a campsite near Ballaugh and had a great time. I've just booked to go again
  7. Steam Racket booked...... better get my new coils and leads sorted :worried:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. New coils and leads sorted and she runs.
    Gotta sort 40 year VED exemption next.
    First outing at Goodwood Breakfast Club May 7th.
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  9. WooHoo!!

    What tyres have you gone for?
  10. Bridgestone Battlax BT46.
  11. She’s running at last!
    Took for a blast and what a joy. Steam engine torque and a soundtrack like an anti-aircraft gun.
    Here’s a quick vid. I will try and get some riding footage tomorrow.
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  12. Fabulous!! Congratulations!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. A nice trundle over the South Downs to Goodwood for a cuppa.
    Now I recall what this era bike is like to ride. Really fun on A roads using that 4-7k torque wave and very stable on long sweepers.
    Then, when you park up a crowd forms asking lots of questions as you make a note of all the items that have “loosened off” in the previous fifty miles.
    Back to the workshop now to find the Loctite, fit a camera and record the 1812 overture soundtrack on the next outing.

    • Like Like x 5
  14. Yeah I know exactly what your mean. I've been taking the Darmah out to enjoy the sun and as you say the torque from the huge flywheel & tall gearing makes for relaxed but surprisingly rapid progress. Easy speed. I even took him on a commute into Bath which reminded me of the heaviness of the clutch & throttle and vagaries of idling with carbs in hot & dusty conditions.

    Having said that yours was idling beautifully in that clip and you could even lower the revs a touch for an even better impression.

    Enjoy :grinning:
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