V4 Are You Done For The Year?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by gc6269, Nov 5, 2022.

  1. Rock hard winter biker

    21 vote(s)
  2. See you in March

    24 vote(s)
  1. Any thoughts I had on getting one more ride in are done.

    A combination of a drop in temperature and away with work for the next two weekends have effectively ended 2022’s ride outs.

    What about you?
  2. I've no V4 but it's hibernation time for me, if i'd a rat bike available then yes i would pick the right days for keeping that mental fitness alive & well during those dark winter days.
  3. I might be tempted to go for a ride on a nice day if the roads are dry however once salt goes on the road that's it until at least March.
    #3 steveb123, Nov 5, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 6
  4. I couldn't paste a general Multi question, we should change that.
  5. Over night frost in the Central Belt of Scotland on Thursday night so there was road salt spread so that is me done.
  6. come to the lands of Spain, today in Madrid at 21º, and it looks like it will last at least until mid-December, and if you go further south, you can drive all year :cool::cool::cool::cool:
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  7. I was some after the monster MOT about July. And that was the only 8 miles I did all year on any bike :punch::confused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Commiserations, hate that feeling and had similar on car and bike/health related.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. In times gone by I would have been out all year round
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  10. Back in the day for me it was ride all winter regardless (heated gloves didn't exist) or walk. My old man wasn't "a bloody taxi" LOL.

    @Chris & @bradders -you will both be back better than ever next spring.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Next weekend looking possibility......but after that.....more like April. Now its bike shows, bling buying and trip planning :cool:
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  12. I’m busy this weekend and next, then I reckon the salt will be down. Once that happens, the Ducatis will remain in the garage, unless we get some mild dry days. I bought the Monkey for winter riding, but won’t go out if the weather is cold and shite.
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  13. Just done a major clean, which takes a few hours. I take the pads out, clean the callipers and pistons , silicon grease the forks stanchions, and put it away until April. I'm always tempted on a crisp day to take it out. But the thought of all that cleaning. If Ducati Glasgow offer a reduced winter service, then they can collect it; But they have said that they are not offering this unless they get a quiet period.
  14. I’ve got an observed ride booked for 6th December, my associate has their IAM RS test on the 7th. If it’s dry and the roads are safe to ride, I’ll be riding through ……. as I do most years. Andy
  15. I ride all year round always have since I started 30 odd years ago, I do pick the nice crisp winter days to ride now though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. There was more than enough water about today to wash any salt off the bike :)
    Impressed with the weather protection on the V4 kept me pretty dry, just the boots and bottom of the trousers that still get a good soaking, but that can't be helped when the road is completely flooded across both sides!
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  17. If there’s a nice clear day then I’ll go out but I don’t neeeed to ride in the wet any more.
    Cars are for wet days.
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  18. Winter riding? Fuck that. Not had to do that since I was an apprentice. And I can still remember the agony as my hands warmed up again after reaching work or home :confounded:
    • Agree Agree x 5
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Might go oooop north in a few weeks. Last little trip before the gritters bugger everything up.
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  20. On salted roads I’ll take the Transalp, on finer days the KTM. The MV is in garage until March/April
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