So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I’m away up in Northumberland for the weekend so not been on much these past couple of days, so this morning I’ve woken up to over 85 bots that needed dealing with :eek:
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  2. No rest for the wicked eh?
  3. Seemingly so…….another 20 have appeared since the last post :mad:
  4. Well that aside I hope you’re enjoying your Northumberland break.
    I’ll bet it’s a bit chilly up there this morning?
  5. Sitting in Grizedale forest watching rallying
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  6. It’s not as bad as yesterday morning. It was Baltic yesterday!
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  7. I finally swallowed a motivation pill today as it was dry and fitted the exhaust system on the Land Rover, a little overdue as it's been sitting around for ten odd days. With just under a hour to install it wasn't that bad after all in the end, the only downside was they didn't supply new exhaust locking nuts.:mad:
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  8. Was one of the 100 or so hardy motorcyclists who marshalled this year’s Reading Toy Run which was very well supported. Not sure but over 1000 bikes, scooters, vintage, classics and 3 wheelers. Andy
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  9. Didn't do a lot this morning. Then had a call from daughter her car wouldn't start in the local supermarket carpark. A quick jump-start later and she was on her way.
    A very nice family meal for 10 of us at a local pub this afternoon, even nicer the brother in law paid the bill!. I guess I'll watch the football later tonight.
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  10. Me, I’ve done nothing worth mentioning. But my daughter has been in Poland representing Team GB in the European Powerlifting Championships. She was 6th in her weight class but got silver for her bench press (117.5kg) and bronze for the dead lift (210kg). She didn’t have her best day at the squat lift (160kg) but she’s well pleased and I’m proud as can be.
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  11. And quite rightly so, very well done your daughter :upyeah::party: Andy
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  12. Spent way to much time on this forum today.. ;-)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. Scoffing home made lamb (with vegetables) and vegetable samosas. Got parmigiano sour dough biscuits to look forward to :D Andy
  14. Got home from Devon, ordered a Chinese takeaway, which was rubbish, as they normally are.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. There used to be an awesome chinese in Watchetts ...... but that was 50 years ago :joy: Andy
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Ah, it’s probably long gone! We always look forward to a Chinese takeaway, but for some reason they’re always disappointing. Much better to go to a restaurant for it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Bought bedding and mirrors for the new house :)
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  18. bed-with-ceiling-mirror.jpg Nice to see there's life in the old dog still ;) @El Toro
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Knowing my diy skills that mirror would come crashing down and hit me on the back of the head and arse whilst I was on the vinegar strokes :bucktooth::D
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