So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Club Christmas dinner at our local Butcombe pub, Carole drove, I got bladdered :dizzy::D Andy
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  2. Where's your local Butcombe pub then?
  3. Fox & Hounds, Theale (M4/J12). Andy
  4. Not fecken much, tbh. :)
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  5. I’ve been chasing my builder for a completion/handover date on my new house so I can arrange:
    a. A removal company (and it’s getting to be very short notice before Xmas!)
    b. Giving notice to the storage company where my stuff has been for the past three months
    c. My mate Darren coming to do works and fit stuff over the weekend I move
    d. Delivery of a new bed for one of the guest rooms so Darren and his missus have somewhere to sleep
    e. Delivery of my new tumble dryer
    f. Flooring for my garage.
    g. Sky to come and work their magic
    h. Last but by no means least, to pull together my finances so I can transfer it all in time for the 16th December.

    Today has been fraught to say the least.
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    • Love You Love You x 1
  6. Moving is never an easy job
    Good luck with it all.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. A rather chilly observed ride with one of my Associates followed by a swift journey up the motorway to collect a new to me telly, courtesy of @Multirider75. Thank’s Rich and good to meet you. Andy
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  8. So how did that workout then with two motorbikes riding side by side holding a TV inbetween the two of you.:eek:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Yep, great to meet you Andy. I hope you like the telly.
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  10. Good grief ET, you only moved the other day. You got a thing about removal men or what ?
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I bet he'd a complaint about his noisy motorcycles on a very early sunday morning.;)
  12. He’s done it enough it should be like shelling peas!
  13. Cold it may be (only -3° here at midday) but I’ve spent 3 hours clearing some of the mess left in the garden by a wood cutter’s apprentice taking an old and well past it magnolia down. Mostly done now but the chainsaw was taking a hammering and I need to sharpen the chain so called a halt until another day. Andy
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  14. Chill.

    1.It won’t happen when they say it will.
    2.It’ll take longer than they say it will.
    3.It’ll most likely cost more than they say it will.

    These are the facts of life. You an try but you probably won’t succeed in changing them.
    Count to 10 and don’t get stressed because it won’t do any good.

    It’ll all get sorted in the end, so let it go. Be happy, this is all there is in life.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  15. So, I’ve made progress :)

    a. Completion date is confirmed for next Friday 16th December
    b. Removal company booked and paid for (for the 17th December)
    c. Storage company advised that I’ll be out on 17th December
    d. Darren booked to come over on 17th/18th/19th to do stuff
    e. Bed for the spare room booked for delivery on the afternoon of the 16th December.
    f. Delivery of new tumble dryer booked for 17th December
    g. Flooring for the garage is yet to be organised but the builder is fixing my ground anchor in for my bikes and has also agreed to seal the concrete flooring FOC
    h. Sky are booked to come and install on 20th December
    i. Finances all sorted ready for me to go to the bank next week to transfer to my solicitors.

    It’s starting to come together :)
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  16. Terry, You must have friends in high places, congrats but have you remember to order the christmas tree & turkey yet.
  17. Can’t be arsed with a Christmas tree but the Turkey is ordered. It’s my contribution to the Christmas meal round my neice’s house :)
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  18. Don't bring a bottle, bring a bird instead.;)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Had a trip down river in the beautiful winter sunshine. I love being on the water this time of year as their is no bugger around and also the wildlife is more relaxed so easier to spot (kingfisher came and sat near me for a few minutes).
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  20. Twenty plus years ago i sneaked up on one on all fours and touch it, it was just sitting in the sunshine and i'm not sure if it was a young one or having a strange then opened it's eyes and flew off in a hurry.
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