I once cooked a Madras in Paris for 8 people at an evening party. Medium strength, I had to use Scottish Bonnets though, anyway long story short, they ate the lot, and as one of the guests got up to leave the table he said ' I thought they said ze Engleesh could'n't cook'. Made my week that did.
You must understand that in the very pious/traditional families, in France, to this day, Jeanne d’Arc is one of the mightiest catholic religious symbols. She was made a catholic Saint, canonized by Rome in 1920. It took this long for the Roman Catholic Church to formally acknowledge her « voices » as a miracle. So if your in-laws are on that side of things, they may have felt a bit offended. In Orléans, they celebrate her very officially every year, in front of the cathedral. It looks like a medieval festival, but in truth, it is a catholic faith celebration. Young 14 years old girls from traditional catholic families compete every year to act as Jeanne during the festival. Real horse, real suit of armor, real sword… https://www.experienceloire.com/joan.htm https://www.orleansjeannedarc.fr/les-anciennes-jeanne A little story. When I was still flying for the Air Force, my fighter squadron had 3 flights. The flight I belonged to was the SPA124, created in 1916, when the boys flew Spads (they later hosted a bunch of young Americans volunteers who, when they were finally ready to fly there own US unit, were given Nieuports and that’s how they became the N124 « Lafayette » flight, or « Escadrille Lafayette », as we call it). Well, SPA124 is named Jeanne d’Arc. As an Air Defence squadron, we had an exchange program with the RAF Tornado F3 (Air Defence version) squadrons (Leeming, Leuchars, Coningsby). That meant we had a RAF pilot with us permanently (3 years rotations). Guess which flight the Rosbif would always be appointed to?
And somehow, immensely proud we would entrust him with our holy virgin. Shield maiden may be more accurate, actually…
None actually, even though he once had to land in emergency in Clermont Ferrand after an engine flameout/relight… That one was close.
Ah so he let her off the boil and had trouble getting her going…….. I like the story of an engineer accidentally taking off in a BAC Lightning…..
Holy crap! This guy was very lucky to survive this. So many holes in the safety net… Thank God things have evolved positively in that area.
Following their loss, Strictly has been in touch with the Brazilian team as their "dancing" could be more suited to the ballroom than the pitch...