I'm tempted. my wife and I went about 4 years ago and while it's a good show to wander around and Milan's a lovely city I'm not sure that I can persuade her to go again quite so easily. I've got a feeling that we spent more on beer & food than we did on the flights but that's not so unusual with cheap flights available and beer prices being high over there.
Yep going on trade day as usual as one hell of a lot less people there. Whole day costs about £60 plus food....
How did you blag your trade day tickets? Last time we went we had trade tickets but they'd been sorted by a friend who's an aerodynamics engineer and he bullshitted his way into getting 4 tickets but I don't know who he contacted.
Easy really. You register for them online. They don;t put the link up until nearer the time... In theory they ask for business card etc but so far they never have. If they do then I have a forum (now closed) and also sell motorcycle books etc so can show that. Its just so much less busy and despite what they say you can buy stuff at the trade days....
Thinking of going with the family, it will be a nice treat for them !! few questions please: a) Is it worth going ? b) How far is Malpensa Airport ie can you jump in a taxi ? c) Is the Exhibition centre in the middle of Milan d) What's worth seeing in Milan ( for all the family ) Cheers.
It's good if you want to see all the latest bikes but not so good if you're like me and want to be able to buy pieces of crap that you know you shouldn't. Malpensa is a train ride into the city centre but it's only like hopping on the HEX to Paddington. The exhibition centre is a bit out of the centre but a lot of hotels advertise free bus shuttles to the show or you can jump on a train. Milan is great but pricey. What to do depends on the age of your kids so you'll have to rely on google to find things they'll enjoy. Don't eat out in the restaurants around the Duomo or you'll be coming home broke.
1. Yes. We go on trade days so much less busy but probably 4-5 times the size of NEC 2. 40 minutes coach ride costing 12 euros 3. Not quite centre.... 4. No idea!
Got back from Milan on Monday. 50 euros for 3 large beers and some olives, crisps, bread and peanuts between 3 of us it was worth it for the scenery though :wink: stunning ! We ended up having 3 rounds
We stayed at The Hub hotel last year. Great location to to the exhibition centre and they laid on free shuttle buses theyr n back. Also shuttle bus you into town and collect you again if its not to late in the AM you want picked up
Theyrs a coach that takes you into town from the airport terminal 20 euros return for that Then a urban train to the station closest to The Hub tgen phone them n they come get you in the shuttle bus. Simples really
Trade tickets link still not up as far as I can see. Easyjet tickets for Gatwick to Malpensa on the wednesday £57 currently but they go up and down a lot so hoping they drop a bit more yet....