Classic Can't Reset Clock Time On My Scrambler

Discussion in 'Scrambler' started by Lee0467, Dec 7, 2022.

  1. Hi there,
    Lee - newbie. Can't reset time on display. All other settings functions seem to work, but I select clock in settings, then press indicator shut-off button to bring up clock change mode, and all I get then on settings screen is clock and exit options. I can provide pics if anyone has an idea. Have seen threads on this topic in other Ducati forums but not definitive solutions??? Software issue? Thx in advance.
  2. The clock is a total PIA to set, it's completely non-intuitive. Here are the pages from the handbook if it helps.
    Screenshot 2022-12-07 at 15.46.29.png Screenshot 2022-12-07 at 15.46.51.png
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  3. I had exactly the same issue and gave up. The guys in the workshop did it for me. Haven’t tried myself since the clocks went back. Andy
  4. Hi Derek, Thanks so much mate. These instructions did the trick, but what an unintuitive design. Italian, of course!!
    Ciao bello,
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  5. You'll need to do it again when the clocks change :D
  6. Practice makes perfect....
  7. I was having a haircut the other week and my barber was moaning about his Scrambler clock being wrong.
    I went outside to said hairdressers’s bike with my superbly coiffed bonce and, by simple logic, re-set his clock in about 2 mins.
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