So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Went for a Turkish, then the panto

    1A3EA460-F227-473C-9DBA-C3711DD8C573.jpeg 9E0C58A4-2557-46F9-A22A-7D39C5577583.jpeg 0EA0BC93-8EB2-4B3E-8E6D-0C87655EB216.jpeg
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    • Funny Funny x 5
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  2. Boom boom!

    *had gif but wouldn’t load!
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  3. Only my 6th house in 40 years :)
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  4. I’m in North Yorkshire now :)
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  5. Good luck with your new home.

    it’s a shame you’re on the wrong side of the Pennines, but hey you can’t have everything!
  6. But the third one in four years or less?

    I hope its everything you wanted and you're happy there.
  7. Which is the correct answer.
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  8. On purpose?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. I arrived at Morrisons this morning bang on 10am and left at 10.14 with 2.5 bags later, no fannying around for me. Rugby union for me later today.
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  10. Shopping like a hero.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Why put yourself through all that stress and strain when you can control the experience.:)
  12. Or just get it delivered.
  13. Well you don't always get what you asked for, plus short date times.
  14. Overrated in my opinion and besides i left that shit behind twenty odd years ago.
  15. Bloke shop, good work my friend. :punch:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. Does he have his head on back to front.:thinkingface:
  17. But 5th in 5 :joy::joy:
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  18. First batch of chocolate cookies done
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  19. Been into town. Watched a bin man emptying bins, 3 separate for bottles, general, recycling. He emptied the contents of the bag and put the bag back (!). All went into the same open bin cart. It took him more than three times as long as one would. Great waste if cost and time by Glos council, and having an employee push a cart around looking at bin contents right under his nose….not very employee friendly. Well done Gloucester city council

    About as exciting as it gets.
    • Love You Love You x 2
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