So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Fibber. I bet that's the ice planet, Hoth
  2. Try to keep your chin up bud.
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  3. Well yes it is but I didn’t think anyone would believe me!!!
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  4. Your up near Ross aren’t you? Yep a bit chilly now but looking mild here for the next few days so hopefully I can get out again.
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  5. First thing this morning (5am) I drove to Manchester airport to pick my brother up from his flight from Qatar. He’s now on holiday for the next month.

    After dropping him off at his house I came home and had a snooze before spending the rest of the day unpacking the last couple of boxes, setting up my PC in the study, then putting pictures up around the house. I’m now pretty much done and can begin to wind down for Xmas :) :upyeah:
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  6. After the massive temperature change over the last few days I got the car and Multistrada out of the garage because of the unbelievable condensation. Wiped them down, dried them off and dried the covers too.

    Question is, what to do about an uninsulated garage.
  7. Dehumidifier
  8. ...and so it begins...
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  9. Finished work yesterday, now off until 4th January. This is the only time of year I can actually fully be off work. I don’t know if it’s phycological but I feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train this morning.
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  10. istockphoto-535046641-170667a.jpg Be careful what you wish for this christmas.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Nothing, just live with it......:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Visited my oncologist today to see if I am still in remission with my cancer. There are still a few small spots on my lungs but otherwise things are looking good.My consultant is arranging my next CT scan for four months from now.All I can do is keep my fingers crossed and in the mean time live life to the full.
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  13. Many things, many might chime in but for starters, do you happen to have any old large rolls of carpet? This is a good start while you're thinking about it, and certainly helps. Apart from hindering maneuverability - the deeper the pile the better.
    I had better add:-
    this is to go on the floor of the garage. :D
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  14. Socks full of rice (uncooked) work pretty well at soaking up water vapour. When they get waterlogged, pop them in the microwave for 10 mins, leave them to dry and then re-use. Warning - they’ll be hotter than the Sun, so wear gloves or use bbq tongs when removing from the microwave.

    Cat litter also does the trick but I’ve never tried microwaving it in order to re-use it, so experiment at your own risk!
    • Useful Useful x 2
  15. First full day of work and had a great day out on the bike. Sunshine, dry roads and very little traffic, perfect. :)
    . 2C9872AC-E0FF-44B3-987D-73D790CA88D1.jpeg
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  16. Work in morning, spent the rest of the day looking for my lads first car to learn to drive in.
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  17. Thats great news live every day as if it's your last :)
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  18. It's taken 22 years but I've finally got the bike in the house
    OK Its just the frame but I'm still working on the rest 20221221_183340.jpg
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  19. 20221215_135332.jpg
    Here's the rest of it
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  20. Spent most of the day on the sofa with a raging headache and rotten guts.
    • Love You Love You x 2
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