916 916 Wont Idle After Strip And Clean

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by P1mao, Dec 23, 2022.

  1. So i purchased this bike 1997 16k one owner not moved since 2008, changed belts and she ran tidy before i stripped it. Completely gone over the bike, greased oils,fluids,filters,replaced everything and anything it needed, every connection cleaned and replaced a few dodgy ones. Got some fuel in her today(super and fuel cleaner) and after reluctant start, runs bit rough through the revs, couple of flames and will only idle on the cold start button. Its improving but reluctant to idle.
    Removed throttle bodies, checked boots and cleaned all good.
    Only thing i have changed are end cans for pair termis.
    Am i missing something simple ?
  2. What chip (Eprom) do you have in the ECU? Is it adapted to your new silencers? You should try and swap your end cans back and see if there’s any improvement.
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  3. I was under the impression no chip needed for just cans,
    But yes a good fun and then if no change swap back.
  4. Well, I thought like you. Until I bought my 998. It came with 50 Arrow Titanium race cans. And ran like absolute crap below 4000 rpm. I dismissed it at first as a case of low miles 16 years old bike (needs to be ridden more, etc.)

    Then I had to get it homologated (US import) and for that, I got a pair of OEM 50 aluminum end cans. Bike miraculously worked perfect through the entire band. Amazing difference.

    In order to put the Arrows back after homologation was completed (these just sound and look too good to pass!) I ordered another ECU with adapted mapping for them. Another world of difference!

    In a nutshell, end cans can make a difference if you don’t have the right map. Even with similar diameter.
    #4 Guillaume69, Dec 23, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2022
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  5. Ahh ok,
    This sort of figures then, so what’s me options ‍♂️
  6. What size are the termis, 45 or 50?
  7. 45 inlet
  8. So I maybe need 965013AAA EPROM chip - 916 1997 with open cans ?
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  9. Personally I would also allow the fuel cleaner to work its way through too, I’ve never used it myself so might be talking bollocks but maybe it’s not liking it
  10. Yes I did think that,
    Maybe too much I did put the tub in
  11. She starts from cold on the button so not much wrong I’m sure.
  12. I doubt very much whether changing the cans will make much difference to the idle. It might not run too well on the road but I'm sure it would still idle. Have you possibly disturbed something like the connection to the engine temperature sensor? If is disconnected or faulty or not making a good connection it will have a marked effect on the idle and general running.
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  13. I didn’t think cans would make a difference to be fair, I will check over plugs again.
    As I say with fast idle button it starts from cold on the button.
  14. Several sensors on it ??
    What one does what ?
    3 in cooler system
  15. Item 19 in this picture from the parts list. It may not be anything to do with it but it could produce your symptoms.

    Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 09.55.13.png
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  16. If it ran fine before you worked on it, why would it suddenly need a different EPROM?
  17. Swapped the cans, that’s only difference.
    I can pop old ones back on no bother.
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  18. I can see fuel above the level, spray/squirt when pump primes and when on fast idle.
    Is this just unused return ?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. have you changed/ fitted the fuel filter the correct way around and tightened/fitted the pipes correctly, plus are the pipes new not split?
  20. Yes all fitted correctly and tight/inspected before re fitting not new but looked fine, new filter,I will pop a camera in, might be the return.
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