
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DucatiScud, Feb 20, 2022.

  1. Sneeeaky. Had to resort to the wrong word tactic for line three which then still took another ten minutes. Sometimes it’s not until you see the possible letter permutations with the gaps that the :idea: moment happen.

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  2. ET, could you explain your reporting format please?
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  3. 555 5/6
    With a hangover.
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  4. 5

    On my 4th attempt I got the last four letters correct and in place, that left me at least three options and 2 guesses.

    Uniquely my first attempt was the correct one.
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  5. #555
    6/6 o_O
    Too many choices...
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  6. Phew couldn't see it for ages

    • Agree Agree x 2
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  7. I press the share button and that’s what it gives me.
  8. Failed

    Wordle 555 X/6

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  9. Are you a consultant? Your answer is completely totally and unchallengeably correct, but doesn't actually move us forward.

    Is it showing a blank for fully correct and a square for anything else?
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  10. Yes.
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  11. agree
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  12. Hm, not a real word, certainly not in the King’s English. You must look across the pond for your answer.

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  13. Why not use the emoji code which differentiates between correct letter and correct letter in correct position?
  14. #556
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  15. 4/6
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  16. I don’t seem to have that option:(

  17. Failed - blummin’ American words

    Wordle 556 X/6

    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. 4
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  19. :poop::poop::poop::no_mouth::poop:
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  20. i screen shot answer and then use the forum smilies :D
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