Gear lever

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by psalliss, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Has anyone changed the gear lever on their bike. I'm really finding the factory one is too short and wondered what alternatives there are?
  2. Bigger/longer boots? :wink:
  3. The bigger longer boots are sort of the issue. I've got a pair of puma race boots and they are ok with the gear leaver but when using my sidi adventure boots which are my waterproof boots I use the most I can't test my toe inwards enough to get much of a purchase on the lever
  4. winklepickers..............rock'n'roll style
  5. I have heard that wearing high heels could also possibly be problem, although it would be easier when stopping.
  6. take a look on the palmer products site he has a adjustable gear lever and different toe peg options.
  7. Thanks mate have had a look and looks like an option but would prefer a matching pair of levers really
    will ask dealer prior to it going for first service
  9. Thanks mate ill have a look. Swapped to my old boots yesterday and it was fine so the issue is really with the design and size of my sidi boots so ill see if get used to it or ill flog my boots and get some others
  10. Fitted the Palmer gear change lever and was really pleased with it as the toe part is a
    lot bigger than standard one. Problem was it somehow worked itself loose and fell off ,stranding me in the middle of the Black forest!,
  11. That's not good. Was it the products fault or the fitting of it?
  12. It was the products fault.

  13. :rolleyes:
  14. sounds like ill look elsewhere then if I get one
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