So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I'm lucky that I can go to the gym at lunchtime, and can still work when I'm there, so it doesn't impact on my day too much. I don't normally have lunch either, as it's too late for lunch by the time I get home, so I just have my evening meal quite early.
  2. Yeah, pretty much! :D
  3. Feeling seriously sorry for myself today, got a killer cold, and only just recovered from Covid before Christmas, so just sulking!
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  4. hope you feel better soon
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  5. Christmas is packed up for another year

    4,500 steps 1380 calories burnt so far

    keep fit via zoom later

    8573 steps 2316 calories burnt so far todat
    #84305 Ducbird, Jan 4, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
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  6. Booked a little trip to Barcelona in March :)
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  7. One of my favourite cities along with @andy I think?
    My youngest daughter lived there for a couple of years do I got to know the city quite well.
    I trust you’ve got your accommodation and itinerary sorted?
  8. Rode 60 miles of back lanes this morning and got seriously covered in mud and road filth, then cleaned it and did a bit of maintenance on it. I don’t mind bike cleaning but I absolutely hate cleaning all my gear afterwards.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. If you mean me :D absolutely. It’s my cardigan and slippers place, comfortable, very comfortable. Andy
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  10. Yes I did
    I think we can both recommend Hotel 1898 as a quality city centre base.
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  11. Yes indeed. Nice 4* hotel in the centre of town.

    Just need to book car parking at Manchester Airport now :)
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  12. Bloody pool was closed today, so only managed 1521 calories in the gym. I reckon I must have sweated out another 100 in the sauna afterwards. :D
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  13. Apparently it's back open tomorrow morning............Good Luck with the splash.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. Put together a new greenhouse, it wasn’t meant to arrive until next week so that was a job I wasn’t expecting today.
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  15. Drove to Scotland and back - just short of 500 miles to buy something. Not telling you what, but wasn't bloody haggis :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  16. Was it Lycra?:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. There's not enough Lycra in stock worldwide to fit around me.
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  18. Any chance of a picture so it can be critiqued?
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  19. I’ll take one tomorrow in daylight just for you.
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  20. Cheers.
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