So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Agree couldn't do black ones.
  2. Today I will be mostly picking up some boxes with my garage and biking gear in from my friends house. At the weekend I’ll get my bikes :)
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  3. Booked a bike trip for over the Easter weekend, 4 days riding to and around Counties Wicklow & Sligo. :motorcycleduc::)
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  4. Go west young man!
  5. Went to the dentist for a check up and the usual don't eat sweet things lecture followed by a large withdrawal out of my bank.

    Then cake and hot chocolate on the way back :D
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. Booked the hotel now. Sorted.
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  7. Phew , we was worried there for a minute!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I can just about put the boots on now :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. i have a pair of Cherry Red? somewhere, you've reminded me to hunt them out as do a lot more walking now.
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  10. Probably in the loft Chris :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. probably right! :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Thats why I was determined to get it sorted quickly for you.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Good man
    As you’ve sorted yours out I’m due to fly to Basel a week on Sunday and out from Frankfurt ten days later stopping at Colmar and Strasbourg, any accommodation tips?
  14. Further to my earlier post...just got the tricky transfers to add to the model, very impressed with the levels of detail.

    20230111_091110.jpg 20230111_091026.jpg
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  15. Very nice. I’ve had that kit for several years and not had the courage to open it up. I have large hands, very large hands and not sure I can cope with the small parts :( Andy
  16. First thing this morning the builder's maintenance team came to do a bit of snagging. Few more bits to do but nothing is life threatening......just cosmetic.

    And then I cleaned the house from top to bottom.
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  17. Been to a Raptor flight display with my little Grandsons,
    First they showed off this big fella…


    A Sea Eagle, big squawking thing it was, more interested in the young lady holding it tbh , lurrrvly legs :heart_eyes:

    Then this beauty..


    Barn Owl, just so silent in flight was awesome to watch it fly, they flew it through the covered seating area we were sat in from a few different angles, just a couple of feet above your head and it was so accurate and quiet you just couldn’t hear it :astonished:

    But this was the star of the show..


    A Peregrine falcon…!


    They flew her chasing a lure and had recorded her attack speeds at up to 180 kmph, that’s about 110 mph!
    Unbelievably quick through the air attacking this lure, you virtually just caught a glimpse of her then she was gone again! Never seen anything as fast in my life, it was flying through the seating area at crazy speed missing support posts, people who were stood up, trees etc.
    Her speeds were recorded through a tiny gps tracking device that she wore, the young girl handler showed me it as she took it off the falcon before sitting her on the post to catch her breath, it just looked like a little black electrical connector with a thin 4” wire sticking backwards, could only have weighed a few grams.
    Apparently in a “ stoop” ..that’s a full on dive attack, they have been recorded at over 300 kmph , that’s over 180 mph!
    I was just totally in awe of this beautiful little bird and she only weighed 600 grams :astonished: !

    On a different note,…back in the car park on our way out, I noticed the roof of this Audi parked next to us..


    Believe it or not, that’s hail damage :eek: some hailstorms over here, the size of the hail itself is like golf balls and it’s rock hard ice, so if your cars not covered this is what it ends up like, some car dealers have sales on hail damaged new cars and you can save a fortune on them, all extremes of brutal weather down here in Brissy
    Laters :upyeah:
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  18. I've actually witnessed a hail storm like that in Texas. It was quite frightening as it lasted about 15 minutes. And the damage done to cars and the hotel I was in was incredible.
  19. Had a filling. Neighbour has been offering all along to give me a lift if I need it, so today was the first time (3m now no licence) I’ve asked for some help, other than wife.

    Spent 45min in the rain and cold waiting to be picked up after I text him (15 min drive) as probably in middle of something

    This is why I don’t rely on people.
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