So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Our local Yo’s is very good and beggars can’t be choosers when there's nothing better. One of the drawbacks of living in the sticks. Andy
  2. Signed the papers to buy the in-laws cottage that we’re in at the moment. I’ve already paid over the money to the brother and sister in law so I suppose we’re of fixed abode again, which would be fine if the Mrs was happy with it. So it might be temporary and who knows it might not.

    It’s been an expensive year so far and I still haven’t bought the e-bike that I’m after. They is expensive things for what they is but I gotta have one. I could buy a good motorbike for the price of some of them.
    Daft but you only live once. Decisions, decisions.

    Also booked an appointment to be told off by the Doctor about my cholesterol level. It’s gone sky high since I had to come off the statins I was on. Couldn’t resist asking if the receptionist thought I’d live long enough to make the appointment!

    All this done remotely from Spain because I couldn’t stand the rain in England any more.
    Life’s a beach.
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  3. Must be a decent pub nearby instead?
  4. Have you considered altering your diet to help reduce your cholesterol and alter your Triglycerides levels?
    Coincide this with a reduced intake of statins and you might be on to a winner?
  5. I've finally found the exit point from this show, but the key doesn't quite work correctly.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Been reading about the cyber attack on the post office. Inside job ;)
  7. Had my knee poked and prodded, pulled and pushed and after about 20 minutes of discussion, (finally) given an injection of pain killer and steroid. Grounded for the next couple of days but already beginning to feel some relief from the unremitting day and night pain of the last 4 months ……. Hoorah :D In the clinician’s opinion, the pain could be associated with bone on bone rubbing where the cartilage has worn through. Being referred for x-rays in the coming months to be compared with x-rays from a couple of years ago to see if there is any evidence of deterioration. Old age, don’t you just love it :joy: Andy
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  8. Something like 77% of attacks are from within or with element of internal compromise.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. I reckon greater than that. Colleague told me today Twitter have been hacked and 200m users info posted online somewhere.
  10. Getting old ain’t for the weak for sure.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. May the locksmith be closed and your exit from this show be a protracted and lengthy journey
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Popped to Ducati Coventry to grab my 749r tank that had been freshly sealed(great service and chat as usual).
    Gave my new sim wheel and base a little blast when I got home, @Gandalf direct drive is amazing! FF6DBFDC-6C51-4C12-A769-EB8DC866CBB4.jpeg
    • Like Like x 1
  13. You're a sweet talking guy with all that poetry.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  14. What have I done today???

    Ate mostly :p ! Calling @Multirider75

    Firstly just wandering about this morning, I fancied a coffee…


    Look at that!…the froth on that baby is so thick you could virtually walk on it, plus a slice of Tim-Tam cake to mop it all up with :D!
    FYI. Tim-Tam biscuits are the national biscuit of choice in Aus, ..they are to the Aussies what chocolate digestives are to us Pommie baaastards ;).

    Then lunch out at a nice Italian restaurant…


    Chicken Milanese for me, calamari starter to share and a prosciutto pizza for the Ayatollah ;)


    Full ingredients break down on the Milanese, have to say it really hit the spot :kissing_heart: need an extra 30 miles on the pushy this week to burn it off .
    Mmmmm….now what’s for dinner tonight :p
    Laters :upyeah:
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  15. The finished article, completed last night and quite happy with the result, good substitute for the real thing in my garage which her indoors won't allow to live in our lounge!

    #84495 yellowducmaniac, Jan 13, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
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  16. Lovely 916 model.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Got my passport back with my Spanish visa at last
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  18. Been reminded yet again how shit the NHS is. Fucking shambles. Sooner they privatise it and I don’t have to pay for these wasters the better!
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  19. Are you still here!? Thought you'd long since buggered orff :D
  20. Whoa, controversial stuff there bradders!
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