V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

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  1. Ordered a set this afternoon for my V4S. Been a long time in design / development but hopefully it's worth the wait. Installation requires the removal of the exhaust clamp nuts. I've already started applying Plus-gas to help get the nuts off. On the advice of @Petsmith I've purchased some K-nuts to replace the originals.
  2. But most have been broken for 17 :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. That looks to be a real ball ache to fit, especially the lower guard.
  4. You could well be right and I’ll let you know (when I eventually get home to fit it)!
  5. I’ll be having a few g&t’s before I attempt it
  6. Just ordered a set (for V4S). Looks a joy to fit. If you do have a go, any tips will be gratefully received!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Or a few cans of Kestrel
  8. Thought I’d start collecting a few bits for the incoming PP. Chain will be first, can someone confirm size please. 525 pitch - 126 links ? does that include the connection link ? thanks.

    Ducati Manchester giving 20% off all parts & accessories in January, ask for Rob.
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  9. Has anyone fitted the Evotech Cylinder Head Guard set yet? Mine came today, but it's too cold in the garage today, to undertake this menial work!
  10. Postie also brought mine this morning. Bike is prepped for the work (belly pan removed, Plus Gas on the header nuts, and front of engine cleaned and given a coat of ACF). I'll have a go this week if it warms up a bit. The two brackets that use the header studs look the trickiest part. Offering them up to the motor I'm probably going to fit the lower one first (although I don't suppose it matters either way). Provided the header nuts come off easily (!), the rest of it looks fiddly, but not as bad as I first thought.
  11. You're only about 200 miles from me, so once you've done yours, feel free to pop round and give me a hand!
  12. Do you have posh biscuits?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. be careful, he will cover them with some weird white sauce like everything else :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Can you clean behind it without taking it off or will it trap the dirt.
  15. You’ll need to take it off periodically to clean the engine. But once the mounting brackets are in place it’s only a few screws to remove the upper and lower guard.
  16. I kind of look at stuff like these covers and think they just trap crap behind them, tho a Fender extender will keep the engine and the valve cover clean without the need to unbolt stuff.
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