So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Whoosh
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Heading to that there London, got a dinner reservation at Pizzaro Andy
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Laughing out loud at your inabilty to spel properly, it's spelt "Fuck" Peter..

    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. *Spell*
  5. "inability" ;)

    not sure about wardorbe but feel sure situtation will be in a dictionordinary soon.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Sooo many!!
    Funny as
  7. v-sign.jpg Perfection is just a word, nothing more, nothing less.!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. None of those are/were regiments only one was legitimate, the other 2 were illegal organisations.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Quite fancy one of those k1300s
  10. Well, the planned 18 holes is taking a turn for the worse….all temp greens so one guy has cried off, but freezing fog rolling in, so expect course to be closed by time I get there around 12.
  11. Arrived in London at Paddington which is a new experience. The Waterloo trains are hugely disrupted by a land slip at Hook which has left the rails suspended in free air :scream: Made the trip south of the river to José's for a small tapas lunch and 3 or 4 chilled Estrella Damms :D Booked in to the hotel and going to have a snooze now before continuing the beer and Spanish food theme a bit later :joy: Not sure how tomorrow will pan out but hey, that's tomorrow :D Andy
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  12. Sounds like a sound plan
  13. Fog stopped play. So bit of driver practice. Boy I need to improve. Then some chipping to a rock hard practice green from soft wet grass…
  14. Cleaned this.....

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  15. I was thinking of buying one of those Karcher patio cleaner things… any good?
  16. I have a Karcher K2 pressure washer, my brother bought me the Karcher T7 Plus T-racer surface cleaner, the problem was, it needs a minimum Karcher K4 or higher, I tried the K2, but, it didn't do much in the way of cleaning

    So, £190 was duly spent at my local Halfrauds (should have been £210, but they fucked up with the price labels ) for the K4

    It has made a difference, will get a pic in the morning, when the drive is empty, and dried off

    You dont get wet when using it either
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. That’s the problem with a simple jet washer, you get soaked doing it and the pressure removes the mortar between the setts
    This looks to be a gentler process altogether but still effective.
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  18. Took the car to get detailed. Back home with a beer now, Chicken Kiev & chips in the oven for dins. Will open a nice crisp Chardonnay to wash it down.
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  19. It didn't remove all the moss from between the bricks, but, it got most of it

    I had to use the pressure washer with the regular lance, to clear the crap from the area where I was trying to clean

    Looking at the 'before' pic, it hasn't been cleaned for a while, so, it will be interesting to see the 'after' pic
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