(small) Bike Things You've Done Today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. Had a thought I may go out on the Scrambler this morning, so I went to the garage and started them both up. After about a minute I decided against going out as it’s absolutely fecking freezing :cold_sweat:
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  2. Don't be stupid as they're wind or solar powered these days......

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  3. That must be why everyone is having bad luck lately :)
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  4. New technology, it's what the kids have signed up for the rest of their lives.:weary_face:
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  5. Went for a nice 70 mile run out to Helmsley on the North Yorkshire TT :)

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  6. Stickers arrived for our upcoming tour...

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  7. Did some more work on my Superdream restoration, fitted a new tachometer cable, new throttle grip, stripped, cleaned, rebuilt and refitted the clocks assembly, fitted new front indicators
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  8. Fitted the upper engine guard to the PP. Will tackle the lower one when I’m feeling brave.

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  9. Did the lower, as it’s Valentine’s Day. Went surprisingly well tbh, took about 45 minutes.
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  10. Fnar Fnar !
  11. 195623FE-4943-4F44-A169-61069DE25E43.jpeg Spent the last 3 hours trying to catch a mouse! He was a canny one!had to carry the piano outside as he kept hiding! Got him in the end though!
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  12. That’s a canny looking trap, a pint glass has caught me many times!

    How does it work for the wee fella?
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  13. Doing the inlet valve shims on my 1199. It's a bit convoluted :mad:
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  14. New boots all round,
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    and new front brake pads.
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  15. Currently no wheels on my wagon... but tank for the 916 in with PT for sealing so might manage to have both running in time for summer... [​IMG]
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  16. not setting out to be scare-mongery here Kev, but have you looked at treating your 9*6 to a set of BMC air filters? Expensive I know at nearly £200 posted, but I had a similar air filter to yours on my first 996 (ITG? - MWR similar also) and after realising on inspection that the distortion evident on the top of the filter was actually melted foam, together with drips of molten filter on the butterfly below, I vowed never to fit anything similar in the future. I've posted on here before, that it's best to be prepared in the event of a backfire through the inlet. i.e. - if it ever happens followed by smoke and maybe a burning smell then best thing to do is to immediately start the engine (unless shower injector equipped) as it will 9 times out of 10 suck the fire out*.
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  17. nice bins ;)
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  18. Thanks for this; I've not had any issues but this sounds sensible. I will add it to the loooonng list of jobs I keeping starting but not finishing... my excuse this last few months is that it has been too chilly in the garage despite heaters. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it... o_O Cheers, K.
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  19. Not entirely planned, but hey... ;-)
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  20. Opened the shed, shook my head….
    Need to get at least one bike finished this year.
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