So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Second day in York and aimed to see all the sights, but unfortunately the views we ended up with were the inside of pubs :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Sounds perfect. You’re not missing much!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Spent over an hour on the phone with Virgin media trying to make them understand that the new contract I’d already taken out in Jan hadn’t gone through, so instead of paying £74 a month I’d paid over £100 for the last 2 months. Tried to make them understand that even if I started a new contract (which they said was the only way to sort it) I still wanted a refund for the extra. I suspect I’ll be back on another call in a few weeks time chasing it!

    Although I’ll now be paying £72 a month???

    So I went to Majestic afterwards and spent far too much on wine…
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  4. In Malta
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  5. Great spot. I like Malta, it’s strange seeing ocean going liners in the centre of town!
    Stayed on the island of Gozo a while back, good memories
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. We are enjoying it so far, first proper day out today, off to Valletta today.
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  7. That's the way to do it! I do like their Bread & Butter wine range, from Napa.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Malta is a great place to holiday. We used to spend four weeks a year there.The harbour is very special with intriguing history.
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  9. I have had one of those for the last two years, in Ducati(ish) red. Will never go back to a non electric car.
    Always find it strange how people launch at me, out of the blue, about how rubbish electric cars are, yet after discussion it transpires that they have never owned or driven one....
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  10. I’m really not a fan of that brand, too Oaked for me.

    I like their range of Spanish whites, there is one called The Guv’nor and another called Pulpo (with an octopus on the label). Also plenty of choice from Argentina, Chile and NZ.
  11. Just round the corner from where I’m staying.
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  12. Booked the ferry crossing for end of May for a week touring with the Mrs in the camper. £254 return. Chunnel was over 500!!!.
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  13. Dogs not travelling?
  14. No, daughter is home from uni then so she's dog sitting. Not looked into pet passports, bet they are dearer than human ones!!
  15. I could go on at some length about my experience with Virgin Media. Long story cut short, after being a customer since the NTL World days, I tried for 10 days to get a fault fixed and was told that I was lying and there was nothing wrong with my connection. Yeah, that’s how I spend my time…

    I finally got an engineer to visit, who discovered the fault and fixed it. This was after about 20 hours of phone calls.

    Once he left, I rang up and cancelled the service. I wouldn’t use them again if they were giving away broadband for free.
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  16. Likewise I’ve been with them since NTL days, the trouble is there was no other fibre option in our area until recently. The service its flow has been pretty good, but I do have to complain every few years to get an updated router and to renegotiate the price I pay.
  17. We have one option - a Sky dustbin lid on the front of the house.
    Two if I suppose you count not having anything at all.

    We have no fibre down the road at all, and last time a neighbour organised a quote @10yrs ago I think it was @£8K per house in the road to put it in.
    There is Cable along the road ours 'T's off, so it's not even going miles across country to get to us.
  18. We are dead chuffed with our new service, it's Hey Broadband, 44mpps apparently, sky stream works, not 100% of the time but not complaining.
    The old copper wire from BT was appalling, this way saves money too.
    Get a few houses together and see if they're interested.
  19. Thought I would treat my van to a drive in London, best £15 I’ve ever spent :mad:

    • Funny Funny x 4
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