So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Picked up the bike from the road side after the mag became water logged!
  2. 20130803_121702.jpg

    Not today, but yesterday rode a 2 stroke for the first time since I last raced in '92. Forgotten what it's like to have no engine braking and trying to live in a 2.5 - 3k powerband, right foot gearchange had me concentrating as well but still had a good laugh on it and gave it back all in one piece.:smile:

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  3. Manned a stand at the museum of power near maldon ,very pleasant it was too.
  4. today little as possible

    could be something to do with pub and late night/morning lol
  5. I did more gardening listening to TMS. I felt a little bit guilty about not going out for a ride, but hell - I'm off to the UK later in the week, and that's got to be good for 2000 - 3000 kms so it's not as if the 999 isn't going to get a run. It was highly warm again today, but definitely doable.
  6. I arranged to meet a whole host of people down the pub today, in order for me to sort out their car air cons. Loaded the van and went there - in perfect biking weather - and in two hours not one of the fuckers turned up:mad:

    Bollocks to them, they can pay full price from now on.
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  7. Got a year older :frown:
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  8. Happy Birthday Kenoir. Hope it is/was a good one.
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  9. Spent 2 days at Silverstone, did a CSS day Saturday and made another big leap forward. Just need to get a bit of track time in now.

    Then Sunday back for the SBK. Really good day but it seemed really quiet, not much in the way of stalls and not a lot of people either. Seems a shame really because the SBK championship is pretty entertaining and competative.
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  10. ALL? :eek:
  11. With chips and mushy peas?
  12. Baby oil...
  13. I had them all too......................but we used Spry Crisp and Dry :frown:
  14. Much more humane, I think it's horrible to kill all those babies just for their oil. But hey ho, needs must.
  15. Deep fried dolphin, in baby oil-yuk.!
  16. pranged the car in asda carpark

    fucking damn you asda for bastard low steel fencing around trolley storage islands
  17. Committed on a K6 Thou track bike :upyeah:

    thats all my bike buying for at least the next 3 years!
  18. hell of a bike
    still one of the greatest thous of all time
    I loved mine
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