Mce Pay As You Go.

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by garyhoos1, Feb 22, 2023.

  1. Just reading Bike and an article about MCE have introduced pay for the miles you ride.

    Anyone tried this?
  2. Yep - my 2 bikes cost me £500-600 a year with BikeSure.

    MCE came out to £900-ish
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Wouldn’t touch MCE with yours.
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  4. The guys whose last company went bust, who only partially refunded policies, yet reopened almost immediately with the same owners and staff?

    You will get better odds on a BJ from a cannibal!
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    • Funny Funny x 3
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  5. I was with them 3 years ago complete tossers, but would like to here about pay as yeh go ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Steer well clear.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  7. Does that mean if they go into administration again, then you don't need to keep paying your premium for a product you cannot use?

    My 19 year old son was with MCE when they went into administration last time, and lost his £700 he had paid to insure his 125cc bike, and then had to pay another company to get insured again.

    I'll wager the directors, that at one time operated out of a Gibraltarian company are still doing very nicely. Complete bunch of cunts in my humble opinion, never to be touched again with a bargepole.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Useful Useful x 2
  8. Last time out it was "Customer pays and MCE go" (bust/ and into the sunset with everyone's money).

    Its rumoured that their management have the highest incidence of tennis elbow ever recorded.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Just had my renewal with MCE for the z900rs , last year £174 , this years renewal £379 , no changes except an extra years NC , can’t call them to discuss renewal , have to talk to a chat bot , needless to say I went elsewhere £ 187.
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  10. MCE the company who addressed a letter to my mates son who was killed in a RTC “Dear deceased”. If they were the only insurance company that would cover me I’d sell my bikes and walk.
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  11. Unbelievable. Lowest of the low.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Sounds like MCE is an absolute no go! Will keep that in mind
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  13. Yeah avoid like the plague - the company that took best part of 1k off me for 3months cover on 1 bike, and a months cover on another and returned a total of 150quid of tax payers money to me when they "Settled"

    A week later, they basically sent an email saying "take a policy out with us". Someone even had the cheek to call me about a new service at one point. I know a guy was just doing his job so wasnt rude but said make sure your notes say never contact me again

    I will never use them again, and will go out of my way to make sure no one else does!
  14. If it is PAYG, who cares if they go bust, there is no refund :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. We care because it’s keeping their business going.
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  16. Maybe they have finally found a model that works for them and customers. You never hand over more money than you need to.
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  17. Agree but what do you think any claims experience would be like?!
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  18. Good question.
    We all find out "how well we are insured" when that claim moment arrives.
    It always amazes me that vehicle insurance is a legal requirement, but claims and payouts are less so.
    It begs the question, what is the point.
    I always go for maximum excess and minimum premium and "self-insure" for almost all claims. It keeps your NCD clean and is far less hassle.
    I also change insurance company every year to avoid that predictable premium increase to "keep up with inflation".
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Exactly - people who claimed between the bankrupt announcement and end of the insurance had no one to contact other than an email address to the FSA and then if lucky only got paid by the FSA from tax payers money, so only got a percentage of the value!
  20. I do the same re excesses.
    Insurers are all pretty hopeless tbh but MCE are the scum of the insurance industry.
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