So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I've not been for ages........and what with moving house up north I've not checked out the local climbing walls yet. But I will :)
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  2. Played The Bristol. Very average game, struggled off the tee and one over my handicap so not that bad. Decent change and nice, if not cold and big windy, day out with a bit of banter and only one lost ball..
  3. Met this lovely piece of kerb...


    Not happy... :mad:
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  4. What was the outcome?

    Hopefully nothing serious.
  5. Two tyres wrecked, two rims hopefully repairable, probably looking at about £500 :scream:
    • Dislike Dislike x 3
  6. Boll**ks!

    That was a painful one:sob:
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  7. Road-tested Ugly Strada for 20 miles to meet a mate and all went well but pretty rusty (me) after only 3 months off a bike. Forgot av. speed cameras up and running on A3 so pretty boring now. When back roads have less salt then will be my preferred route from now on.
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  8. sorry to read this G.G., I remember wrecking a magnesium Cromodora and a brand new P6 (tyre not Rover car) in a similar incident near Bracknell (car of course).
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  9. Whereabouts please Chris?
  10. starting at the Cobham exit and running half way to Guildford, for both directions, but trouble is, there are further cameras on the 50 mph section as it runs thru Guildford toward Compton, and they are bound to tie these two up soon if they haven't already. There's nothing to stop them linking up all networks before long..
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Yup, certainly living up to the first part of my forum name. :mad:
  12. Hmmm, are they permanent or just there as a safety feature for the J10 works I wonder... :thinkingface:
  13. good question.. I believe the cameras installed for similar reasons on the M23 are still operational? - could be wrong.

    You are right, they do need the speed restrictions on A3 coming from Send toward London right now because the lane "squeezing" is diabolically dangerous now, and I wouldn't rule an Artic (vehicle) accident out at this point if a driver was caught out particularly in the dark - it should be two lanes at this point, I don't know why they have tried to preserve 3.
  14. I think they are part of the works but I wouldn't be surprised if they stayed afterwards.
  15. I didn't say i was going for the middle drawer.:eek:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. glad you hid the knickers and condoms this time. :upyeah:

    that is pure art - Tracey Emin would sell that for 3 mil.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. Did you wave at The Wave? It’s been a while since I played the Bristol and I can’t remember if you can see it or not… I suspect the holes to the northwest of the course nearest the Wave are in a bit of a dip , so prob not
  18. Sorry no idea…although a couple of the holes did look like they were waves in middle of the fairway!
  19. I have seen this guy live, a few times, and he always cracks me up…

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