Practical Sportsbike Magazine Last Edition

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Christy, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. I have just received my April issue of the Practical Sportbike Mag. Apparently it’s the last ever. They can’t afford to carry on. Not to everyone’s taste, but I enjoy reading it.
  2. Always found it a good mag, could be all the on line books/mags taking over.
    Personally i like to turn pages and look at the photos, i read bike mags but not read a book since i left school in 83.
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  3. That's a real shame, I really enjoy it each month.
    Not had mine in the post yet.

    I only renewed my subscription less than a couple of months ago.
    I hope they'll be refunding the difference.
  4. Thread moved
  5. It is a shame, PS was quite a good read. Rumour is that subscriptions will be completed with copies of "Classic Bike".
  6. This ^
  7. Never read Classic Bike, not sure I want to, but might have to for a while.

    I also lost another of my Favourite magazines last year - Practical Performance Classics, they couldn't continue because of costs, and the reborn Street Machine disappeared at the beginning of Covid which was a shame as it was the original version of that magazine that got me into modified cars as a young teenager.

    I believe that lots of magazines have gone in the states already, I just hope that 'Classic Motorcycle Mechanics' and 'Custom Car' don't go the same way.
  8. You've lost me??
  9. I also renewed my subscription a couple of months ago & likewise hope they will be refunding the difference.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Subscription moved to Classic Bikes until it finishes I believe, although I would suspect they can't deny you a refund.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. I liked Practical Sportsbike, much more so than Classic bike, which is a little more my dads bag!... Shame it's going but I think that's where all print media is going.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I’m afraid as much as I like reading paper versions of magazines online is where it’s gone to. Whether that be digital version of a magazine or the content on YouTube and such.

    Look what the internet has done for the ‘porn fairy’ no more finding porn in hedgerows whilst out and about.
    • Funny Funny x 5
  13. I used to buy loads of bike/car/porn mags… But that was before we all walked about like zombies looking at our fekin phones… sad but true… o_O
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. A neighbour just dropped my copy round which was put through his door by mistake earlier.

    Looks like they've packed a lot in the last issue.
    I've only had a very quick flick through, but couldn't see anything relating to subscriptions.
  15. I subscribed to 'Built' magazine, which I admit I quickly became a bit bored with (very Shoeditch-y).

    At first my digital sub went, now they've taken the paper mag out of print. Seems from this thread a few have or are going that way too - shame.
  16. With stuck-together pages :sob:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I used to drool over Street Machine!
  18. Drool eh, sticking the pages together.:confused:
  19. Ha ha yeah it dawned on me I'd made those 2 posts quicker the close to each other :D
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  20. I received a letter today confirming the transfer to Classic Bike or the option of a refund. The refund is about 30 seconds work on their website; you will need your customer number and a one time authorisation code, both of which are in the letter, on line requests by 31st March.

    If you don't get the letter you can call customer service on 01858 438786; phone requests by March 24th at the latest.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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