So Anyway

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wasted Time Lord, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. So I crashed the bike. Like yer do. Anyway like I do. In October.

    As part of this getting old process, having epiphanies, like squid, I realised I don’t ride motorbikes, I crash motorbikes. It just takes a few years to work up to it.

    Turned out nice again!

    Another calamari I had was that my cousin’s the spitting image of George Formby. I’ve downloaded the chords for ‘When I’m Cleaning Windows’.

    I got my sister to drive me – when I could walk again (just) – to pick up the bike. I thought the bars were bent; then realised it was the forks! That was an interesting ride.

    A few days later she tested positive for covid.

    I still don’t know if I’ve had it. I felt rough for weeks. 6am on my birthday I went to my sister’s and asked her to call me an ambulance. I couldn’t speak; had to write it down. Had to write answers for the paramedics. Spent 18 hrs on a drip in the A&E waiting room. Didn’t see daylight at all that day! Epiglottitis. Possibly if I’d sought help before being absolutely sure I needed it, I wouldn’t have had to go on a ward. Whereas I’d have probably died if I’d left it any longer. So that was another epiphany – like octopus in own ink – that when I think I’m so clever not bothering the NHS until I’m certain, actually I’m being a cunt!

    Well I never! I’ll go to the foot of our stairs!

    Happy birthday, Viv! In fact I dropped by to find out about this tart from Hereford and the 14-yr old boy. I mean, she must be a minger, yeah?
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. Oh dear, hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you’ve been through the mill a bit.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Flipping heck sounds like you’ve had it rough doubly twice.
    Did you bang your head while you were at it?

    Nice to see you back.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Loving your irreverent humour. ;)

    Sounds like you’re going through the wringer a bit so wishing you well.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Cheers, Ricky. Well it's a learning experience! Including how easily a 999 can do a somersault, land beside you pointing the opposite way and continue running.
    A van of four police cadets and their instructor happened to be passing. The old guy responded to one of the cadets "Red ones are faster" and I wondered if he was on the forum and had figured out who I was! I may rebuild it yellow.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Wotcha mate! It did just so happen I had to throw away a £300 lid...
  7. £300 well spent.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Sorry to hear about your recent tribulations WTL, glad to hear that you sought help and are still with us.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Cheers Jimmy! I do bring it all on myself - not WOT exactly, but the related sensibility of impatience (wherein you have a subconscious urge to become an in-patient) - but spending my birthday like that was pretty funny black comedy, just not at first. Being repeatedly asked my date of birth was like delivering a punchline and waiting for the laugh (though in reality waiting for the lovely lasses in nurse's uniforms to shower me with sympathy ;)).
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Being not so cheap as I once was, I have to (reluctantly) agree.
  11. Cheers, Mister B! Now you know why there've been no pics from Sainsbury's, Oakley in months! I'm starting to Jones though.
  12. Here’s a nice photo for you. 44769BDC-46A8-44F1-8FB8-3E2970D85B21.jpeg
  13. How did you get a copy of my brain scan!
  14. I’ve been living in your head for the last six months.
    I am that noise you can’t shift.
  15. BTW those things gave my torso the same protection the helmet gave my head!

    (I endeavor, these days, to go to Sainsbury's late enough that they're sold out)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I thought that was trapped wind!
    • Funny Funny x 1

  17. Oh no.... so sorry to hear what you have been through :(

    Just to clarify I'm not the tart WTL checked out :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Apple?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. No comment.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. I'll offer one final nugget of Old Gold coconut tobacco: I took the bike out that day to go to Cirencester. I'd been offered the covid booster at Cirencester hospital the next day. A distance away given I usually walk to the local fire station for it, but the old road to Ciren is a great ride, plus I used to live (briefly) on the outskirts. I never got to find out where the hospital was, so thought I'd go do that the day before; not miss my appointment going round and round the interminable ring road and one way system looking for it.

    So missed it by crashing on the way back, instead. Got it some weeks later, at the local fire station.
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