Wot - Am I Getting Old?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Count Dukeula, Mar 10, 2023.

  1. I knew Gerry Lewis, No21 sidecars, went to several meetings with him.
  2. I marshalled for Bemsee at Snetterton (Riches) and Brands (Paddock Bend and Hawthorns) in the late 60s.
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  3. Quite amazing looking back at those old programmes to see just how many entrants there were and all the different classes available to ride in. A lot of great names in there.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I wonder if dropping the bike to wet mode and going for a blast might change my perception. That said, i didnt buy this bike because i thought it needed less power.
  5. I'm not blessed with the tools. ahem.
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  6. It won’t, however it might put your mind at ease to know that mostly no matter how much you think you’re at WOT in reality you’re not.
  7. Went out again today, used more wot but the limiting factor is the speed. I think I have my answer.
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