
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Are a pair of irritating talentless fucktards who need to be brutally mutilated with sharp things.

    That is all. I have spoken.
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  2. Agreed.
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  3. Yep they are very annoying. Should they be mutilated or murdered? Nah, just send them to a desolate cold place where they cant bother anybody anymore
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  4. Can't think of anything bad enough to say about them. Can you imagine if they were your sons! I would take MYSELF to a desolate cold place rather than put up with the cringeworthy shame of it!!!
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  5. I wish I was a penny behind them they have about 4 million each more than I have. so who is the fool here then lol
  6. I'd rather be skint than knowing I am an absurd, waste of time, embarrassing witless, talentless, irritating, twat tard...

    when they are older, and realise what a couple of wankers they are I hope they kill themselves...
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  7. I do wish you'd stop sitting on the fence like that and just tell us how you really feel :)
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  8. Just goes to show what a great PR team can do. Anyway, its their management who will be pulling in the serious cash. Well done to them for making all the money, now kindly go and sit on beach somewhere and live off the interest. I hear Siberia is lovely this time of year :smile:
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  9. 3/10 for that rant im afraid - they may be talentless etc etc, so am i (!!!) , but surely the rant is against the public who have given them the oxygen of publicity, such that their talent (sic) is visible to be confirmed , or indeed apparent that the well of talent for them, is long dried out....

    who here has bought one of their records?, is the question to be asked - check your childrens purchase, before denying ( that is, if your going to blame your kids for your secret purchases........!)

  10. And here you are keeping them in the limelight by talking about them
    Anything bad just don't give it your time you could be doing something much more productive like riding your bike
  11. Are these the people who represented Britain at Eurosong last year?

    I had happily forgotten all about them until this thread. It's like a scab. If you forget about it, it'll heal up and go away. If you constantly pick at it...
  12. I thought they were already in England :wink:
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  13. The cold and desolate place.........,You mean the Australian cricket team dressing room?
    #13 TT600, Aug 6, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2013
  14. when they are older and then worth 6 million each they will think.....
    "we are here thanks to our fans and people keeping us in the limelight"

    personally for that sort of money people can think what they want of me.....
    id even have simon cowells baby for thay sort of cash lol
  15. Thankfully they represented Ireland However, somehow Ireland beat us in the actual comp! What does that say???
  16. Pluto would do...

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  17. Agree with the OP... But for me the two MOST irritating things about these very irritating brain-dead talentless idiots is that they actually seem to think that they are important or have something worthwhile to say... And that their fans are SO stupid that they actually listen ! ( Call me paranoid, but I think it's a plot to keep young people stupid and uneducated to make them easier to control... "Stop worrying about what the government is doing and go listen to Jedward, there's good little kiddies..." ). And the one with the brains in all this is that irritating little leprechaun Louis Walsh - he inflicted Jedward on us, and West Life, and Boyzone, and made himself a millionaire in the process - HE ​should be shot for crimes against humanity !
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  18. Pair of front bottoms...But you have to wonder at the state of the nation which continues to put these goons in the position they are.
    Same with Kim Kardashian and friends, whiny bunch a f'ing over privileged buffoons!

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  19. Shouldn't Matt be merging this thread with the Thread of Rant?
  20. for me that bunch of shit on TOWIE is even worse than jedward.

    I think the boys tongue in cheek know they are shit and riding the crest of a short wave and are doing while they can.

    TOWIE really believe they are good - and thats worrying
    #20 Phill, Aug 6, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2013
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