Wasp shortage?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Apparently there aren't so many this years according to the nature specialists, because of the bad winter and spring etc............

    ..........Well, I don't know where they are looking, because all the b*ggers seem to be here.....

    ......I have just dealt with three nests in the last week actually in my garden, and judging by the numbers on different flight directions that are still picking up water from the pond and bird bath, plus chewing my fence to pieces; there must be at least another three or four nests just outside my boundaries.

    I hate them...........

  2. As you say Al, we were molested with the bloody things sat outside compo's café in Holmfirth. They were bullying me for my fish and chips!
  3. What? Has El T got a black and yellow striped pullover then?

  4. Funny that cos I've not seen many at all. Maybe they just hang around Compo's :wink:
  5. Not seen many around these parts, f'ing flies however! :mad:
  6. Not many around here either
    Lots of bees though hanging around my lavender
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  7. Had quite a few in the garden this year here in Hemel, but I have noticed they are very small... I'm not into killing any incects, but the uk wasp is an exception... There were huge red and black ones in Cyprus a few years back but they never bothered anyone like the buggers do over here... Pesky critters!
  8. What is it E T says!... FNARR! FNARR!
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  9. Didn't take long...:rolleyes::wink:
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  10. No. I say "phnarr phnarr" :rolleyes:

  11. the pet shop's around here have loads in the window :smile:
  12. and the Indian takeaways :wink:
  13. Fookin' millions of the bastards near me:mad:
  14. Does anybody actually know what purpose wasps serve ? Them seem pretty pointless to me, so what's the problem with not having so many around ? Having none at all around would be fine by me !
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  15. They are an un-necessary evil foisted upon us by a higher being...........a bit like solicitors, lawyers and estate agents.
  16. I've barely seen a wasp here this year. Normally they are attracted by the jam in my continental breakfasts al fresco and are a pain in the jacksie.

    I've heard that they are useful as they bump off and eat other annoying insects. I suppose that even flies help breakdown all sorts of crap. And I have noticed that slugs tuck into my dog's Richard IIIs. In fact, it's been slug city in my garden this year.

    I'm not keen on insects. I make exceptions for bees, both bumble and normal, and butterflies (although you can keep the cabbage white).
  17. White Anglo Saxon Protestants are certainly getting rarer. You don't see many WASPs round here, but I agree they are quite annoying when they come knocking at the front door.
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  18. I bet you got mostly yellow and black round your way............:wink:
  19. Hadn't seen any till Sunday, seems the little buggers turned up in force for the World Supers :( Certainly made food and coffee breaks interesting :/
  20. I ran out of Cymag (cyanide, basically.........now banned usage) so I had to dispose of one nest using damp course injection liquid............it soaks into the paper of the nest and kills everything off..........
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