Here in central London, its silly season for mindless cycling. Coming down Bayswater road and a cyclist starting to cross the 30mph road only to get a bikes length-ish across the 2 lane road and stops whilst the car in the right lane and myself in the left crossed the Zebra crossing (no buttons to press, not to be confused with a Pelican or Toucan crossing). The cyclist shouting expletives at us we carried on our way. I had my Go Pro running at the time. It got me thinking about the rues of this. In Hyde Park, there are blue and white signs saying Cyclist Dismount before the crossing. I had decided as a rule that if the cyclist was going to cycle across I would not stop as they are cyclist not pedestrian. Obviously I'm not going to mow these people down, however self righteous I might feel. I've checked the Highway code, and it does state that cyclist should not cycle, but walk across a Zebra crossing (the one with no buttons). If they did cause an accident they could be done for dangerous cycling. Anyway, This would not fix a broken bike or bones but wanted to share a thought.
I couldn't agree more. I think the worst i saw was a girl on a Boris bike on here phone trying to go around Hyde Park Corner roundabout. Senseless.
All cyclists bar none should be made to sit a test basic road and highway code stuff, they are a menace around here jump red lights on and off the kerb, real pain in the ass. If they get caught riding without the licence/certificate then yeah agree with above poster shoot them.
I don't stop at zebras for cyclists who are going to ride across. No idea what the law says (but I bet if you squashed one it would be your fault). It's for pedestrians, not cyclists. Cyclists become pedestrians when they walk their bike across. As an ex-London cyclist myself, I can see that I might on occasion want to cross the road on a zebra on my bike, but I wouldn't expect anyone to stop for me.
your bloody right - if you squashed one it would be your fault with the advent of cyclepaths these do extend across roads too and are often shared these days..what....what you wouldnt expect to stop for a motorised buggy carrying OAP too lol pedestrians and cyclists are classed as vulnerable road users and when approaching any form of crossing in a motor vehicle you must expect to slow down or stop "no idea what the law says" - perhaps you better clarify your ignorant position
If one wants to cross and hasn't dismounted, I don't stop. If they are on the crossing, clearly I do. I'm not likely to squash anyone. I stopped at a zebra for a pedestrian in Sydney once, when I was on my Kawasaki. Car behind didn't bother and just drove over my foot. That did annoy me. I don't get too worked up about other annoying road users in London. Life's too short.
cycling across a zebra is not against the law in the uk. the highway code makes reference to it but the highway code is not law. if the cyclist was considerate and careful in his crossing that is fine. if he was wanton and furious there may be a problem. but some attitudes on here are best kept in that damp cellar. everyone has the right to use the roads safely
For my twopence worth it seems that cyclists are ''selective'' in which parts of the highway code they adhere to. I often see cyclists ride up on to the path to cross traffic lights as ''pedestrians'' whilst still on their bikes, just to rejoin the road, as a regular road user once past the ''obstacle''. On a slightly different note, what about all the disability scooters that are on and off the road, up and down the path and generally where they should not be? Had a laugh last week on a section of German Autobahn, disability scooter with two Police cars behind it on the hard shoulder.....maybe had making a freedom bid for Holland as far as I could tell
I agree cyclists can be selective and some crazy. but the post title was particular to zebra crossings. and there is no law saying it is illegal. motorists are more stupid if you want to go down the selective route. motorists do one test when they pass and are never tested again ever til they turn an oap. how many cyclists have you seen ride and text at the same time. how many cycles do you see in pub car parks at chucking out time...or reading a book on there steering wheel or with a mobile stuck to there lughole steering with one hand negotiating a roundabout. or park on double yellows. stupid car drivers text like its going out of fashion while driving having a car licence should be vocational like psv and hgv with regular assesments comparatively speaking to get the shit off the roads. most car driver think they are brilliant and supreme with the reality being they are poorly trained with ever slipping habits over time and frankly often dangerous and oblivious to the laws half cant even park square to the kerb or reverse park. thats from a cyclist, car driver, motorcyclist and hgv class 2 licence holder and frankly attitudes like that silly swedish resident who states " I wont stop " are frankly stupid and nonsensical now lets replace the cyclist with motorised buggy. clearly not a pedestrian in the definition of the law. but would you also refuse to give way for them.....
They may not be breaking any particular law, just showing their complete ignorance and arrogance. The vast majority of incidents on pedestrian crossings involve cyclists not stopping for pedestrians, I've seen dozens and dozens of people being skittled by these ignorant twats who think they're too important to stop. What I assume to be perfectly normal, rational human beings turn into complete wankers the moment they don the lycra.