In Saddle Movement.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nasher, Apr 11, 2023.

  1. Not sure if anyone else has this issue and found a solution, or has any tips.

    Too many years of Rugby, Waterskiing, and other injuries have taken their toll on my knees and hips.
    Compounded by a Hamstring injury last year, and now an unrelated knee injury, I’m starting to realise I can’t carry on as I am.

    I’m reasonably fit for my age, walk the dog each day, do three big hits of Cross trainer a week, and think nothing of a 15 mile hike at the weekends with very little discomfort afterwards.
    Driving my Car is OK, but if I sit still for too long with my knees bent, like on the sofa or in my office, my legs seize up, can go numb, and I get really painful cramps in my thighs.

    But the point of this question is to keep me riding bikes.
    My M1000 is better than my 999 and 1000SS, but I now find that after say 1/2hr in the saddle I have various issues including seizing up and being in serious pain the moment I move to put a foot down at a junction.

    What I need to do is move about more on the bike whilst riding, but don’t ride in a way where I need to hang off the bike whilst cornering.
    Has anyone found any particular movements in the saddle that can help with this sort of thing?
    I’m going to try simply tensing up periodically, clenching even when the car in front hasn’t slammed it’s brakes on!

    My legs being bent so much is the issue, I’ve adjusted the pegs down on the 999 to the bottom position, but even the M1000 is now uncomfortable after a while.

    I’ve asked in the Multistrada section for some help with measurements, as I’m assuming my legs would be less bent on one.
  2. I feel your pain! Hips and knees are also on the way out. I often get cramp/locked hips and knees and the only thing I can do is stand on the pegs and jiggle about until goes. More of an issue on the 916 than anything else. Ibruprofen is your friend...! Good luck. Kev.
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  3. Thanks KevB

    I had thought about standing up occasionally, not at all possible on the 999 or 1000SS, but possible I suppose on the M1000. Not tried it yet though.
    Again I assume a Multi would be easier to stand up on than anything else.
  4. Time for a Harley! (runs and hides)
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  5. My hips cramp after foot down. I find twisting my hips whilst riding helps to clear it.
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  6. S. t. r. e. t. c. h. i. n. g

    Use it or lose it :eek:
  7. I’d demo a motorcycle with forward controls Diavel X, Harley or Indian. There may be others that I’ve missed out but you get the idea. My old Harley was the most comfortable bike I’ve ever ridden, easily all day relaxed cruising.
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  8. I think using it caused the problem in the first place ?
  9. Thanks DS.
    I did the HD thing years ago briefly and vowed never to go back to it, but you are right I did find the feet forward riding position quite comfortable. Perhaps I ought to revisit them.
    I've never been a fan of the Diavel, I know lots of people love them, and I understand that, but every time I see one I just think Why?

    The one reply to my query in the Multi section so far appears very encouraging at the moment with lots of additional legroom.
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  10. I always used to scoff...but I've been doing yoga twice a week for the last month, and I already see a difference on the bike :upyeah:
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  11. ^ this is why I bought an Xdiavel. I’ve never looked back :upyeah:

    Initially, I didn’t like the feet-forward controls – it took a few rides to adjust. However, I wouldn’t go back to mid-mounted controls. Feet forward controls are far comfier once you’ve adjusted to them.
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  12. I certainly wouldn't Scoff at Yoga.
    It is in fact something that's been at the back of my mind, but I've been warned that I should be very careful as it could aggravate the existing injuries rather than help them.
    Thanks for the reminder, I really should find somewhere that can coach me properly taking my circumstances into account rather than research it myself on the net.
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  13. If your free on a Friday morning you could join our zoom yoga its based on the Alexander technique
    It's gentle enough for my broken body :D
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  14. I was just about to suggest this, while weird at first Yoga via video conference is so convenient. Just grab your mat and go!
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  15. @steveb123 posted a useful link in my thread about seat to peg measurements in the Multistrada section:

    This has thrown up some useful comparisons:

    Comp Chart.JPG

    RP 999.JPG

    RP 1000SS.JPG

    RP M1000.JPG

    And compared to a MS1200 Enduro:
    RP MS1200 Enduro.JPG

    But what has surprised me is that they are suggesting an Enduro has a slightly more 'cramped' riding position than a non-Enduro Multistrada, but still far less cramped than my current bikes.
    And that a 2015 non-Enduro is more cramped than a 2013.
    I wonder if the pegs got moved up to increase cornering clearance?

    RP MS1200 2013.JPG

    RP MS 2015.JPG
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  16. Very useful info S - head angle relevant to torso also relevant for me now.
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  17. I grab a chair :D
  18. Might sound odd, but have you tried changing your trousers?

    but seriously, I used to get terrible aches and cramps in thighs and hips on the 996. Struggled to change gear etc. Happened to change to a different (looser) set of leathers, and as if by magic it all went away. Now if only I could find something for my wrists…
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  19. Reminiscent of the one about the guy with the sharp pain across his forehead (in the version Jim Bowen came out with anyway).
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