Off road bike day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by apuhtred, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Just been up on Salisbury plain doing an offroad experience day. Bent my little finger backwards fell off and got my foot trapped under the bike but what a great laugh. Had a fantastic day and will deff be doing this again. When the sun shines this country takes some beating the views I have seen today have been magical. Great company if anyone looking for a different bike experience.

    Regards Steve
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  2. If anyone actually wants to do a group off road day I should be able to get a discounted rate from Mick Extance who runs a school in mid Wales and will tailor the day to suit abilities. I'm busy until October but if there's a fair amount of initial interest I'll post something in a couple of months and see what the greedy bastard will do us a day or a weekend for.

    He's a bit ruthless and will happily kick the front wheel of anyone who get's a nose ahead but it's all good fun and there's a decent spot to stop nearby where copious amounts of alcohol can be imbibed on the Saturday night if the flesh is willing. The best bit is that he parted company with Honda a year ago and it's now Kawasaki 450 Enduro bikes unless you're a bit soft in which case he'll arrange a 250.
  3. have been doing enduro/green laning for 6 years, love it, great fun, thought after 30 years riding, I could ride anything, god was I wrong, so different, aint too bad now though ; )
  4. Funny enough, after now backing out of doing a track day for this year (transport, timings, etc), I had been scouting around doing a couple of off road days.

    did a couple previously, and really enjoyed them.

    up for a summer one (12th to 24th August), and an autumn/winter one if anybody else looking at doing one.

    Steve - what sort of rider/guide ratio do they tend to run with?
  5. just two of us today up to a maximum of 6.

    Regards Steve
  6. Looking at doing a day with these on Friday 23 August, seeing as I don't have time to prep the 998 for a track day.

    anybody else up for it?

  7. I can't do August but would be up for a day in Oct as suggested by AndyB_11
  8. Oh Andy, that sounds like a challenge... :upyeah:
  9. If you mean me then you really need to go because I'd also get the usual supects to go as well. It was Steve Packer who was stupid enough to try to beat him and it didn't help that he'd brought his KTM along and told Mick he wasn't using a Kawasaki because they're dog slow diesels.
  10. The August run is just to get some kicks in place of the Snetterton track day I was hoping to do (too much to do, too little time to prep the 998).

    october is a possibility, would need to sort in good time to avoid work travel clashes and get the kids sorted. Andy - want to float some dates for Oct with Extance?

  11. I'll send him an email and ask what he's got available for October and November plus what discount we'll get if we fill all the places then post something to see what the best date is. From my point of view the later the better because it'll be a bit boggier in the technical bits and the landing will be softer when I crash plus it's a lot better to be out when it's cooler because even if it's chucking it down it gets a bit hot when you're nailing one of those beasts of road all day.

    If we get a lot of interest I'll bring my stink wheel along and that'll free up another bike for someone else to abuse.
  12. I'd be interested in the October one, won't get a day pass for 23/8, cos I'm off to the oval on 24/8 for some drinking, sorry cricket .....
  13. "Definitely Interested" as a scouser once said.

    I was also looking at doing the Flat Track school with the usual suspects as well, probably around the end of Sept for that one.
  14. If you're doing it at Scunthorpe speedway circuit try to avoid doing it the day after a meeting because the oval will have big dips at the start of each bend and when you hit them hard the bike tries to throw you through the chain link fencing on the outside of the curve.

  15. This one is at Essex Arena at Lakeside, run by Hagon.
    They have a practise arena that they use...
    The Hagon Shocks Speedway Academy » Lakeside Hammers
  16. I've spoken to the guy I know who works with Mick Extance and he reckons there's a good chance they'd be able to put on a day for us on either the 9th or 16th November and it'd cost £166 + £25 damage waiver if you want to take that option. It's supposed to be £200 per head then you get two free places if you get ten signed up but I'd sooner just reduce the cost for everyone then there can't be any complaints. All kit is supplied but it's worth taking along a manky old jacket to wear over the top of their mx tops if it's cold or pissing down and the bikes will be 450 Kawasakis unless there's a midget in which case they can probably supply a 125. They often bring along a couple of 250s which the instructors ride unless someone specifically wants one because the bigger bikes are just too much for them :biggrin:

    It'll be in forestry near Llangyngog in mid Wales so no road work and there'll be a mixture of fast riding on the firebreaks, deep ruts, mud, rocky slopes and probably a river crossing or two to spice things up a bit. If we've got it solely for our use then they'll tailor the day to suit what we want to do which can be either split into 2 groups according to ability or all stay together to increase the level of piss taking. They'll also make it as hard/technical as we want so let me know what you want out of the day.

    Once I know we can fill all the places they'll put a 'private' date on their calendar and we book it. If 12 from here want to go then I'll not offer spots to my usual partners in crime but if we're struggling they'll take the remaining spots.
  17. I can do the 16th but not the 9th
  18. Nice one Andy! Pending final approval from SWMBO, I can make either date.
  19. 16th is good for me, too.

    thanks Andy.
  20. I'll keep track of which day is the most popular but remember that this is open to anyone and it doesn't matter if you've got no off road experience at all because Mick will split the group if some want to just spend a day getting the basics sorted and gaining confidence on dodgy surfaces. It's a good day out and there's no mobile phone signal in the area so nobody can plague you while you're away.
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