Cars .. :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Had the joy of needing to buy a cheap run about :(
    £1000 to spend ( don't laugh).
    My Astra is 17 now and started to go wrong.

    I have spent all week looking at £1000 cars no I did not expect much but my word most are worse bodywork way then my 17 year old car.

    The only non rust bucket I found was
    2002 VW. Golf V5 2.3

    This is nothing like what I set out to buy but the best of a dire bunch!!

    All I know is V5 is a juicy bugger :(
    It's got full service history .. Mot feb 14
    Can't recall miles on it
    About 90thou I think .
    Recently serviced.
    Good tyres .

    Has anyone owned a Golf?
    Am I a looney for buying a Golf V5?
    Money pits???
    I went throughputs of reviews and it seems to score 4,5 out of 5 for reliability and stuff?

    Apart from oil change and filter anything else worth doing before I start my boy racer / girl racer career... Not.


    This is the little car ....
    Any advise welcomed.

    When it was asked anything she should watch out for this other bloke replied " yeah flashing blue lights in you rear window !" Speeding tickets as well ..
    I have a clean licence .
    I drive like an old biddy .
    ( hang on gulp I am an old biddy).
    My friend said it looks crap and golfs are horrible cars that break all the time and expensive.
    I need a couple years out of it ...
    What do peeps think?

  2. Oh 2002 two owners.
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  3. Did your Merc owning friend help you find this? :biggrin:

    They're pretty solid, but the fuel consumption is ridiculous for what it is.
  4. My wife had a 2003 Golf with a 1.8 Diesel engine. In the 7 years she had it, it never skipped a beat. Solidly built and v. reliable. No idea about the V5 - sorry.
  5. Thanks heard its juicy :(
    but to be honest I ride my bike more long distances.
    I am going to commute as much as I can on 125 for work.
    Guess il have to watch the petrol :(
    Its more the reliability I'm concerned with.
    My Astra great on Fuel but keeps going wrong :( £800 of wrongs this year :( and another big wrong with big bill so decided time to get a different car.
    every car I looked at was rusting away badly or stoved in :(
    this had very tidy bodywork oh working aircon if needed!!!
    every car I looked at was broken :(
  6. You have no doubt heard of what is said of green cars?

    But directly opposing that thought is my Nissan 200SX in emerald green was relatively trouble free for 14 years.

    However you will be stung for road fund licence I reckon at £140+ per half year.......

    My 2.0 Hyundai Coupe is 2006 and that costs me £260 a year.........and its a sh*te car as well.

    #6 Ghost Rider, Aug 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2013
  7. The people who buy a Golf like that, buy it for one reason only, to cane it! Apart from fuel, tax will be more expensive as will insurance. It's cheap for a reason. If I was in your shoes I'd be looking for a 1 litre Japanese/Korean run around.
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  8. I have the V5 engine in a Seat Toledo....same unit but branded Seat. Brilliant engine...I mean on of the best I've had in a car. Silky smooth and it'll really go if you want it to. I can't remember consumption figures as I had it when fuel was 75p a litre and no-one cared. Its like any car. The faster you go the worse the consumption will be so if you're like Miss Daisy you do better than me!
  9. Il drive it like I knitted it !!!!!
    I'm sensible sadly !
    il have to save a bit by each month for tax and stuff .
    I was looking for a cheap Ford Focus , Astra or New Beetle.
    everything I looked at was rusting away and basically no better then my 17 year old car!!
    i heard these are reliable solid juicy yup!!
    I only nip about in cars .
    odd long run.
    i guess if I don't like it I could sell it :(
  10. If your budget is £1,000, don't ask Wayne Rooney for advice. He paid £2,000 for a 19-year old escort.
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  11. Golf IV is a good car, still fairly OK to get cheap parts for, should they break or wear out.
    It does sound thirsty though... I had the 1,6 petrol in 1998 and it was a fab car - the only car I have ever had, that actually could get the rev limiter knocked out in 5th gear! :)
    It will be hell of expencive in insurance and tax - I reckon you can spend those +250 pound saved on a cheaper running model?

    I'd love to have one again, but the GTD version :p oh, wait a minute, I live in town, so I better wait for their electro....
  12. He probably paid a lot more for a couple of old bangers........
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  13. That's £1000 for the car and £1000 for the guided tour - you know, the owner telling him which wheel is the steering wheel, where the foot pedals are and which way to face when driving.

    After all, he isn't the sharpest tool (out of all the tools he currently plays alongside).
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  14. I've had Golfs in the past and found 'em more boring than a Texan oil drill
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  15. But he also paid 5 grand for a 65 year old one...
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  16. Best car I ever owned. I had an Audi, BMW and various other motors but the Golf was by far my favourite. Solid and will last forever. For a K it's a bloody bar'grin'

    This will long outlast a Ford Focus and other vehicles within the price category.
    #17 V2FAN, Aug 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2013
  17. Sound advice.
  18. buy an alfa most people scared of them (oh too expensive or oh too unreliable, 20 years ago mabee) get a beast for a grand. like anything else got to start with a good one.
  19. Toyota yaris if you can find one for your money, cheap to tax,insure and feck all goes wrong with them.......though not so good if you go dogging.
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