All cyclists should be subjected to a swift kick in the baws. Got clouted by them twice when I worked in London purely cos they didn't want to stop when the little green man was on... I base my baw related punishment thusly: 1. They all look like ghey w@@kers with that Lycra clad crap they wear. 2. They all think they are above the normal rules of the road. 3. They are a bunch of Whiney koktards moaning about cars / bikes polluting the environment, when they all probably own a version of the Urban Tank (big SUV) 4. My brother rides cycles and he's a knob 5. They are all ghey. That is all!
What narrow-minded comments, and how are they narrow-minded? I'd suggest that refusing to accept other peoples' findings is pretty narrow-minded, wouldn't you..?
I tell you what, if Jerry had one the war there wouldnt be any of this Jonny foreigner crap in this country. It would all be swastikas and schnitzels....yum
I've said it before but I hate cyclists even thou I cycle 38 miles a day return into london. Even as a cyclist I am overwhelmed by the stupidity of other cyclists who at times almost take me out. No shoulder checks no road awareness no common sense. As a motorbike rider I apply the same skills to my road bike making me a safe and considerate cyclist. But in london motorists are now being targeted by the Met for sitting on or crossing the ASL Advanced Stop Line. To me not enough is being done to target cyclists for inconsiderate and reckless behaviour on the road. The UK is simply not ready for cyclists, and many cyclists are simply not ready for the road.
Cyclists - their accident rates are going up whilst everyone else's is going down... What does that tell you about their attitude / actions ? In my experience, cyclists are the most arrogant, ignorant, self-righteous idiots on the road... The number that go through red lights, across lanes of traffic, the wrong way up one-way streets, on to the pavement just to avoid stopping ever is frightening ! They should all have to have insurance - Why not ? They use the road, cause accidents, damage cars... and why, why do they insist on completely ignoring the cycle paths that have been put there for their use, and riding in the busy traffic on the road ? Suicidal idiots, most of them... Rant over...
I think you should all be grateful to cyclists for allowing you the privilege of using pavements and roads after all they were constructed for their benefit.
Sarcasm Catweazle ? Maybe not, most of them seem to think that way... And the cyclist accident rate has been going up since well before the "Wiggins effect" kicked in. Bring back the National Cycling Proficiency stuff in schools, that'd be a good start...
I didn't want to be a pedant - but you had me foxed there for a moment! :smile: (Yes, it was early, wasn't it?)
Yes, sorry. i just don't understand how one can state "I hate all (insert group/race/religion/sexual preference etc here)" and tar all these people with the same brush without actually knowing the people as individuals. Just not the sort of thing that I would do myself, so I thought I'd state my own opinion/viewpoint. i agree that there are some cyclists (and car drivers/motorcyclists) who behave as if they own the road however I would never assume that just because they are a cyclist that they will then behave like that. I trust this explains my position in a rational manner. R X
I know I can be a bit provocative at times, but I can't remember declaring war on anyone??? That's a bit strong, even for me.
lets be honest you lot wont normally stop because you wont yield to some hairy arsed bloke on a cycle. if it was the middle of summer and it was some gorgeous clunge with her tits hanging out in a mini pair of shorts im sure youd stop quick enough then