Cycling across a Zebra Crossing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phantomfighter, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Id knock her over and jump off and give some of my special CPR :biggrin:
  2. If her tits are hanging out of her shorts ... I'm not certain I would stop!

    The rules have to apply equally to everyone. That means that everyone must stop for fit birds and ignore ugly-ass cyclists like Phill :smile:
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  4. RickyX - No I don't know every cyclist in Britain, but I have spent years watching them flaunt every traffic law there is. Yes, there are bad car drivers, lorry drivers, motorcyclists etc etc - but from my experience ( 34 years driving and riding ) with cyclists it is the norm, not the exception. I'm sorry - but I always DO expect them to behave like that, because from my experience they probably will !
  5. Yes, but I would not make the assumption. That's the way I am - give everybody a chance before you apply the "brush"!
  6. personally I fuckin hate motorcyclists
    so many born again cu*ts with loud exhausts and stupid overtakes.
    and too much bar room bullshit ;)
    #66 Phill, Aug 9, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
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  7. The local junior school have groups of kids doing training on the public highway, introduces them to real world, I assume they do basics on the school playground. I expect the EU will become involved and dictat that you have to do a part 1 then part 2 ad infinito.
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  8. My kids school you have to do a cycling proficiency test before they let you ride to school (or rather lock your bike in the grounds).

    I think it's a good idea in theory but the girls are 4 and 8 and we live about 500 meters from the school across a field, no zebra crossings.
  9. Schools have done that for years, even back when I was a kid we did cycling proficiency training - maybe 1970 or so. The vast vast majority of people who cycle now will have done the same thing, so there's no excuse for their shocking manners on the road, they know they're breaking laws and getting in peoples' way, yet still they carry on. Pure arrogance.
  10. Both of mine had to take the test before riding to school.
    It still happens in school.
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  11. This is where Milton Keynes works so well - its extremely rare you find a cyclist on the roads, as there are redways which separate cyclists and pedestrians from vehicles. With everything either 60 or 70 mph limits bar the actual city centre itself its a good bit of common sense.

    Why every modern town or city isn't built on the same principals is simply baffling, the town planners were decades ahead of their time here. MK might be a bit faceless on the surface, but it works incredibly well, and is an absolutely fantastic place to live.
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  12. I hate people like you, that refuse to hate everybody encompassed in a certain demographic.
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  13. Not baffling at all; most towns or cities were built long before traffic congestion was even thought of, and it's not going to be easy in any place to separate cyclists from cars. That's why when cyclists' groups say we must all work together, they are right. Unfortunately they then ride round in sodding great groups six-abreast slowing down traffic and verbally assaulting anyone who comes near them.

    You can tell me a thousand times what you think the problem is. I already know what the problem is, and how to fix it. But sadly the firearm laws in this country don't allow it:frown:
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  14. The councils down here have spent thousands of pounds putting in cycle routes - right through Plymouth city center, and out in the suburbs and the countryside too... Bloody cyclists DON'T use them - they'd rather ride on the main roads where all the traffic is, and then complain about it ! Why do they do that, if not pure ignorance ?
  15. Well as I was sat in traffic this morning unable to filter I was mighty tempted to use the empty cycle path

    1/2 the bus lanes in Salisbury you can use on a motorbike but not the other 1/2

    Guess it makes sense to someone ,,,
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  16. Similar thing in Plymouth Char, but the local MAG group have been working with the council and are starting to get others opened up for motorcycles... It can be done, but it's a slow process...
  17. In London there are bus lanes that motorcyclists aren't allowed to use, yet cyclists can still use them. I don't understand the reasoning behind that. Surely the cyclists would slow down the buses far more than motorbikes?
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  18. The reason, Fig, is because the cycling lobby is a very powerful one, with friends in high places. And, of course, their particular version of vehicular terrorism - if thousands of motorcyclists banded together on a regular basis and rode around London on a random route, deliberately disrupting the traffic flow, and making a nuisance of themselves, there would be an outcry (and probably some arrests). Yet when cyclists do it Transport For London just tracks them on its (hundreds of) cameras and changes the traffic light sequencing to try to stop too many of them getting run over... Like this bunch of half-wits - Critical Mass London If anything sums up the self-righteous attitudes of cyclists better than this, I have yet to see it... And totally unbiased ( not ! ) reporting in the media helps, of course - "poor innocent cyclist run over by big nasty truck driver / bus driver / car driver / motorcyclist (delete as appropriate)" headlines...
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  19. As I finished my 700 km journey yesterday with Theale to Pangbourne, I was surprised to come across a gaggle of cyclists on the main road. What was surprising was that it was led by Mr Young Father Cyclist, pulling his kid along in a cart behind him, then there was a girl on a bike with a dog on a piece of string, then some other Young Professional (and well-off looking people) with tiny children in chairs on the back. So a family and friends out for a Saturday bike ride. Fine, but why choose the main road (which isn't very wide) that carries loads of traffic? It looked completely suicidal to me. There are so many quiet roads for a Saturday cycle around there. If you wanted to wipe out your entire family, you could barely choose a better spot short of actually cycling on the M4 (which is perhaps where they were headed - it isn't far away).
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  20. ohh fuckinell cyclists using roads - what inconsiderate twats.
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