First Ducati After A Long Break From Riding

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by spooky, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. When I lived in England, there was a pond and a bench next to it. There was a bin about 10 steps on each side of the bench. Still people would just leave their rubbish under the bench… It’s very rare to see rubbish on the floor here.
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  2. We’re a dirty messy lot over here, my lad often comments on it. It baffles us as to why folk throw rubbish on the floor instead of placing it in bins or if unable to take it home.
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  3. English people for the most part are not brought up properly. In Czechia things are still a bit more traditional though it is going downhill the more “western” influence they get. There was one time not that long ago that Czechs generally did not have credit cards and did not take out finance to buy stuff apart from a house and maybe a car. Nor was there any obesity.
    Things are quite different today.
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  4. I was a bit shocked the first time I encountered a group of teenage boys here - they all smiled and said hello… weird. :joy:

    It’s not all good - car insurance is horrific.
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  5. I had to go to court because Vienna insurance had auto-renewed my insurance without my knowledge even after I had informed them that I had sold my car. Or rather I would say I would have had to go but they didn’t tell me that either. The court just decided in my absence that I had to pay it and a massive fine and they sent me a registered letter to tell me to pay up. Those were some of my worst days in the country. I still love it though, and the Czech people.
  6. I fitted the throttle spaces today and some Stompgrip clear tank grips, which I think look much better.

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  7. I went for my first ‘long’ ride yesterday - just over two hours on some stunning roads. I’m now knackered and deaf.

    I clearly need a lot more time in the saddle to get comfortable with the bike, which I guess is understandable after not having ridden for so long. I found myself being far more cautious than was necessary, although I didn’t know the roads and they were very twisty, so I guess that’s better than throwing caution to the wind and probably a symptom of being older and hopefully wiser. There wasn’t a single corner that I didn’t exit knowing I could have gone through much faster. It’s made me a bit nervous about the track day I have coming up, as I felt very slow and especially compared to the riders I was with, although I’ll have tuition and I’m sure it will be fine and should hopefully bring me up to speed. I’m happy to make small and steady improvements.

    While the bike is far easier to ride than I expected it is a bit mental when that throttle opens up a little bit. I’m not sure that it’s at all suitable for road use but I love it. It sometimes felt a bit fidgety on the front - I should really check the tyre pressures. I assumed the dealer set them correctly but I then remembered that I shouldn’t assume that. :joy:

    I think I need to put the db killers in the exhaust - there were quite a few tunnels on the ride back and my ears felt like I’d been to a rock concert all evening… I used earplugs with my Pista GP RR lid but it seems they weren’t up to the job. I’ll try the earplugs that came with the helmet next time. I think the Pista is louder than my Shoei X-Spirit 3.
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  8. I don’t think you jump back on a bike this fast after a long time out from riding without working your way back into it!

    Definitely check those tyre pressures, they may have also lost air in the time since you picked the bike up. I check mine weekly (the 996 in particular has a habit of shedding air).
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  9. Whenever I tell someone how long I hadn't been on a bike before buying this they look at the bike and then look back at me and burst out laughing for some unknown reason... :thinkingface::joy:

    I'll have to (again) figure out what pressure the tyres should be. I did know, but then we had a long winter...

    I'm in no hurry to make a mistake and I'm quite happy with slow and steady progress.
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  10. The front was low - I think they should be 33psi front and rear when cold for the road and the front was about 29psi - maybe a touch over. That would help to explain why I didn't have too much confidence in the front end going into corners. Subsequent rides have felt far more comfortable. Rookie error... ;)

    Glad I fitted the throttle spacers - much nicer to modulate when going slowly in traffic or for slow-speed manoeuvres.

    The Shoei lid is definitely quiter than the AGV but the AGV seems to have a better field of vision. I think I'll use the AGV for more enthusiastic rides and the Shoei for general riding around. It's good to have options. :joy:

    StompGrip are excellent - glad I changed them.

    Looking forward to more riding and the track day is rapidly approaching (unlike the warm, dry and sunny days)!
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  11. I decided to raise the gear lever and the Nyloc nut gave up – I didn’t even take it off, just loosened and tightened it again, and it was done… So I replaced the Rizoma rearsets with RPS Easy from CNC Racing. They are far more precise and nicer to use and the footpegs are slightly longer. I can now get my boot under the gearshift lever without having to contort myself. The quickshifter length was 222mm but it should have been 217mm. I’m very pleased with these and surprised at the improvement.

    I changed the fuel filler cap and added some bits where the rear footpegs would go for securing the bike for transport.

    Track days start on Friday… I’m quite nervous but also excited about it and the weather forecast is excellent at the moment.

    Love this bike.

    IMG_4898.jpeg IMG_4897.jpeg IMG_4896.jpeg IMG_4895.jpeg
    #92 spooky, May 31, 2023
    Last edited: May 31, 2023
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  12. Friday through Sunday was my first time on a bike on track at the Brno circuit with Racing School Europe. Great fun and learned a lot. It was quite intense mentally, trying to take in all the information.

    Obviously I was horribly slow but I’m not concerned about that. I’ve only been riding the bike for about six months or so on the road after a 25-year gap and set my expectations low (which turned out to be a very good thing). :joy:

    The information and tips provided turned out to be hugely valuable and in the order taught. I was astonished by the difference vision made and then getting reference points and applying vision seemingly a couple of steps ahead helped enormously. I was aware of these things but I was quite astonished just how much difference it made.

    The DDA data is very interesting to have. I thought I’d got some sense of the power and started feeling more comfortable with it but it turned out I was about 1,000rpm or so below peak power (at best). Full throttle was achieved but never early enough or for long enough. That’s perfectly understandable I think. With everything there was to work on my instructor, who was excellent, had me just using engine braking, although I could see on video just how much earlier I was coming off the power than was necessary (I had felt this but video really shows what’s going on).

    A few times I managed to feel the outside leg locked in and it was amazing how much more relaxed it made me in the corners.

    I seemed to have picked up a load of other people’s tyres… obviously not quite on the right lines but it was improving each day.

    Maximum lean was only 43 degrees, max speed only 220kph, max rpm only 12,500 but mostly a bit lower. Lots to work on but I’m feeling more confident on the bike and it started to feel less like I was a passenger.

    Anyway, I want to do it again… o_O
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  13. Fantastic, and great write up! Vision and throttle control are the two most important things as you speed up - and make such a difference.

    43 degrees isn’t bad at all either!

    When are you going again? :p
  14. Thanks!

    I’m looking for the next one already. :joy:

    There’s one at Brno at the end of this month that I think some of the guys from this forum are going to but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. :rolleyes: If I would be able to go then I wouldn’t know until a day or two before, which is not really workable.

    I’m about to book another event with Racing School Europe in Most in September, which is less than an hour away from me. Apparently it’s a good surface and a good circuit that’s more technical than Brno, although I really liked Brno a lot. Most is very easy for me to get to.

    There’s something at Slovakiaring on 17/18 June and apparently that’s a good place. Hockenheim is available in August as well. Not sure about that one.

    So, yes I’ll be doing it again soon. :joy: After three days I was ready to stop - two days after and I can’t wait to do it again. :D
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  15. Three days is a lot on the trot if you’re not riding a lot - bet you were stiff!

    How did the bike perform? Did you feel comfortable on it?
  16. I don’t think I was going fast enough to get too physically tired. :joy: I could feel it in my thighs a bit though.

    The bike was faultless. I tried it in Race B mode and I felt very comfortable on the bike at the end of it. It’s obviously performing very, very far within its capabilities, with not too much being asked of it, but I was definitely starting to get a feel for the bike and starting to enjoy it and not feel intimidated. Small steps, but as I relaxed with it and worked on my technique the bike seemed to relax as well. Motorcycles and the art of zen. :joy:
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  17. Second time at Brno this weekend. A good improvement of 12 seconds but my best lap - the last one - was ruined by accidentally going into neutral into the last chicane… Very annoying. I beat my target and I know how to do a lot better. Absolutely love riding this bike on track.
    #98 spooky, Jul 23, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
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  18. Wear on the tyre doesn’t seem too bad? Not so much of other people’s rubber on there compared to last time. I guess some people on here can determine something from the picture?


    Just over 48 degrees of lean this time, so it’s an improvement but still some virgin rubber available and obviously plenty of lean available - I was told 62 degrees is the maximum but I guess that would be on slicks? Regardless, not something I’ll be approaching. :joy:

    It’s odd how the bike feels more comfortable in the bends when carrying more speed. I tried trail braking as well and was surprised at how much better it felt. Gradually building confidence and feel.

    I need to get braver with the throttle… o_O

    I might be able to get back to Brno for a couple of days mid-August if things work out. Fingers crossed and I can’t wait to get back out there.
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  19. Awesome bikes!
    My son has one (his 23rd Ducati) while my Panigale V2 is my first!
    Looks similar though my son has an Alta exhaust for a bit more power and a great noise (baffles out of course) and a few extra bits of carbon changed brake and clutch levers, race fuel cap etc …
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