Chatting to folks on the DM run, as is often the case, the subject of midges came up (they couldn't talk about the weather. Scortchio) a few were intrigued to hear about my midge machine. So here you go, the one reason I can continue to live in God's country. . In there are 100miĺlion bazillion female midges (only the females bite) collected over.over a couple of weeks. Run it for several months of the year and reclaim your garden.
send them to folks i dont like? i don't think 100 million bazillion will be enough. freeze em and feed them to the birds.
I’m intrigued too, but you don’t even hint at how it works, ya little tease. Do you capture them all individually and then incarcerate them one by one, or do you lure them in en masse under false false pretences, like one of those fake auctions you used to get in vacant high street shops, before triumphantly slamming the door shut behind them? Please clarify/elaborate.
it involves gas and a flame, hopefully it wont all kick off... start it up, fire in some octenol. (1-Octen-3-ol, octenol for short and also known as mushroom alcohol,[1] is a chemical that attracts biting insects such as mosquitoes. It is contained in human breath and sweat, and it is believed that insect repellent DEET works by blocking the insects' octenol odorant receptors. ) the heat generated gets a fan turning pumping out the good stuff at one end and sucking the ones it attracts in the other where they get trapped and dehydrate. break the cycle and boom. it can take a bit of time to clear an area. our back garden is about 20m x 30m backing onto a field with a forest on the other side. when we first got it about 15 years ago it would fill that bag in a matter of days. now some years i dont have to run it a tall.
There are definitely fewer insects around than I recall and, as a result, fewer birds too. Tbh, I can’t remember the last time I saw a swallow, swift or a house martin.
probably more of a pesticide and hmm, dare i say it, climate change issue. which i guess burning a bottle of gas a month wont be helping. but yer right. plenty of wild life out there tho. but maybe 100million bazillion less of one species. i can live with that. the bats that munch them can fug off up the forest rather than making a home in my shed.
I had a bat in the attic that my boys use as a bedroom. Every now and again I would be woken up in the early hours of the morning by them screaming like little girls because it was flapping around their faces and scaring the bejesus out of them. We've not seen it for ages though, so maybe it's gone to live somewhere else.
Bit off topic, where I go cycling this pound is used a lot by housemartins to hunt insects (maybe midges) and scoop up a drink. Really nice to sit and watch.
I may well get one when I relocate (ongoing house build) out of brexitland. I'm slightly worried about what one could do to the ecosystem/food chain though I must say.
yes, you can. we say it all the time up here "see those dudes in wigs.... hanging about at the bar.... they're all transalvanians"
i'm not so sure there was ever meant to be so many midges in the first place. i mentioned being next to a forest, i dont recall being attacked by swarms of them walking through it. so, what i'm thinking is that i am doing gods work by removing biters that would never be there in the first place if it wasn't for deforestation for growing cattle and deffo in our case blood sports and stuff. or, i could be talking compete bollox. it is early after all.
nice, fire that in a well fired roll with a dollop of brown sauce. nom nom. i could, when i have mates up from glasgow do something a lil special to make em feel at home by dippng it in batter first. nom nom nom.