Cycling across a Zebra Crossing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phantomfighter, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. just depends which roads you want your young family and dog to play on.
  2. simply just cannot visualise that scenario so would love to see a picture you took out of disbelief
  3. I'm sorry to say it wasn't really a good spot to stop for photos!. It's a dead straight road with a lot of traffic.
  4. ahhh thats a huge shame. if that was me I would have took a picture somehow especially with this thread being fresh on my mind and to prove a point
  5. I don't have a point to prove. I am pretty pro-cycling but i was simply astounded by the idea of taking a young family and a dog out for a bimble on a fast narrow main road. But to me it's anecdotal - not indicative of anything that you can generalise from.
  6. But he'll try...
  7. phill - if you want to see the sort of thing glidd is talking about just drive / ride around Devon or Cornwall on ANY weekend - the suicidal idiot cyclists are everywhere. And as for being inconsiderate - YES THEY ARE when they put themselves (and, therefore, other road users) in danger by ignoring the cycle paths and riding along busy roads !
  8. the fact is car users are bloody minded and think they have divine right to every inch of the road.
    I have been out training before with cars choking the road doing 10mph in a traffic jam. I have car drivers deliberately pull to the left to block my passage so I cant get past in the gutter - even though they are stuck in a jam and going nowhere.

    alot of prejudice here towards cyclists.
    but there again car drivers are the same towards hgv drivers on motorways and caravan drivers.

    of course you get stupid cyclists just as you get stupid policemen and stupid politicians.

    but its not often you read about drunken cyclists causing crashes. or tired cyclists crashing onto railway lines. and you dont see pub car parks packed full of cycles on hot summer evening or texting while cycling.

    in balance cyclists are safe and not irresponsible. good for the climate and fit.
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  9. On my way in this morning had one of the full on lycra brigade pointing at cars as if to say "stop and wait there" like the police do when directing traffic as he went from lane 1 to lane 3 in the center of Liverpool, he was very lucky not to end up on 1 of 3 bonnets.
  10. pointing at cars lol - probably arm out to turn right pmsl.
    im sure he was turning right and making other road users aware of his intentions. perhaps he should have used telepathy lol
    #91 Phill, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2013
  11. Phill - you obviously live on a different planet to the one that I do, and there is no way to make you see the glaringly obvious. I am not going to comment any further on your biased hypocritical arguments...
  12. Cyclist accident rates are now at a five year high, and still climbing... Every other road user group's accident rates are falling... What is everyone else doing right that cyclists are getting wrong ?
  13. JR45 - you obviously live on a different planet to the one that I do, and there is no way to make you see the glaringly obvious. I am not going to comment any further on your biased hypocritical arguments...

    works both ways doesnt it
  14. if you look further perhaps you will see they involve car drivers amongst other larger vehicle drivers.
  15. Well... at least we agree on one thing !
  16. Cycling in general is the highest it has been for many years, and that is a good thing, it is unfortunate but not entirely surprising if accident rates are also increasing. The sad fact is that so many car drivers are just so angry with the world at large and feel it is OK to use their cars to intimidate other road users, and yes, many cyclists are just as bad.
  17. Obeying the rules of the road...
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  18. Fig - very funny - I found a space that was just big enough to get my Range Rover in. Thing is, there was a white van parked behind it, blocked in at the other end. I just left the car there (tow bar next to the van, clearly). The guy was shouting something about not being able to get to a job, but, you know, I was ok, so I left the car there. He looked happy enough.

    People in lycra often have, you know, cars, that are maybe bigger than little vans. Intimidation and being selfish works both ways.
  19. It's not about intimidation Jerry, it's about simple logistics. Cars are quicker than bicycles - under almost any circumstance - so who in their right mind decided it would be wise to stick a bunch of cyclists at the head of a queue of traffic on a main road..?

    And which cyclists apart from the terminally selfish would sit there..?
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