Bike Stops / Cafeteria List

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Fanous, Jul 10, 2023.

  1. #1 Fanous, Jul 10, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
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  2. Loomies & Rykas?

    There is a bike night on Tuesdays at One Green Bottle in Battlesbridge, Essex
    And another on Wednesdays at Great Bentley, Essex
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  3. Great idea BTW!
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  4. Doms bike stop Leominster

    can be found on Facebook and Instagram
    #5 Ducbird, Jul 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023
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  5. @cookster garage for coffee :D make sure you take cake
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  6. Here is another couple for you:

    Gilk's Garage Cafe, Kineton
    Banbury Road, Kineton, Warwickshire, CV35 0JZ
    Google Maps

    The Waterfront Cafe, Benson
    A4074, Benson, Wallingford OX10 6SJ
    Google Maps
    (unfortunately only having a Facebook entry is not ideal)

    As a suggestion, it might be better to have a shared Google Map to help find places to stop on or near a planned route. If I knew how I'd try to set it up.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. #8 steveb123, Jul 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023
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  8. ... And obviously:

    ACE Cafe
    Ace Corner
    North Circular Road
    London NW10 7UD
    Phone +44 (0) 20 8961 1000
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  9. If you open the link you should get the map. Find the cafe (use the search bar at the top or just scroll and zoom), then select ithe and select "Add to map" at the bottom of the popup display.

    If the cafe isn't shown on the map, then use the "Add marker" icon (looks like a pin) from the menu below the search bar at the top of the map. You will need the name and address details once the pin has been created.
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  10. I don' t get the option "Add to map" after finding and selecting the cafe. Nor do I get the " Add marker " icon option. I have signed in to Google maps using my Google account.

    Perhaps sharing only works for viewing but not adding?
  11. It looks like the settings do not allow "anyone with the link" to become an editor which sort of makes sense.

    It is possible to add specific Google users to the access list and then change them to be an editor.

    I didn't want to be the only person able to edit the map, so I'm happy to add other "editors". I'll add others to become editors if you let me have your Google email address via a Conversation rather than a reply on this thread. In the meantime I'll try to keep up adding pins for the recommendations that come in (ideally with name and address, including postcode, on one line as it makes it easier to cut and past into the search bar of the map).

    UPDATE: I think I have resolve the "anyone with a link" can edit problem. I'd changed the sharing to "Share with Google Drive" and it was therefore in Drive that I had to change the sharing permissions.
    #15 steveb123, Jul 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023
  12. Loomies, Rykas and Bottle added. Can't quite find the Great Bently. Got a link to google maps? Thanks
  13. Added
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Added both. Thanks.

    Not sure about the google maps sharing. I like the idea, but not looked into it. I'm saving these places for myself, either marking them as Favourits if I've been, or want to go, if I have not yet been. People can try and do the same, but I agree, would be neat if you can just open up a map, and have a bunch of places to pick and choose from!
  15. Added the Cottswold Barn in Longborough, and already had on the list the Cotswodl Cafe in Moerton-on-March.

    Not sure about the other locations you mentioned. Could you post a link from google maps? Thanks
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