Good News

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ymfb, Jul 14, 2023.

  1. Disgusting further waste of money by vile monsters in government.
  2. You just needed to say, disgusting waste of money. I also believe it’s an environmental disaster waiting in the wings. Two words, 7,4 C _ _ _ _ _ r / F _ _ k Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. If it gets traffic quickly and more efficiently from inland to the coast it sounds like a good plan to me
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  4. Clearly you don’t have to put up with the constant consequences of the A303, injuries, congestion and pollution.
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  5. But thats the same everywhere, provided as a society we continue to want independent travel at speed.
  6. Not quite. The 303 is the only real route from south east/south central to the south west. There are almost no alternatives unless you want to add even more time and lots of miles. In the summer, you can sit for 3hrs in traffic and travel 10 miles. Regularly! One of the great things about living in the midlands now is I can access Dorset quicker, even tho it’s twice as far, as when living on the south central coast
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    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. I've done the A303 in an arctic many times and the solution will be to destroy the beautiful winding single lane roads & all those villages along it. Placing a tunnel under the henge is mind-numblingly stupid. But these are the antics of conservative-party & their supporters. Because we cannot blame just those who gain power but the rich legally tax avoiding cluster flux who bestowed them into power.
    #8 GunZenBomZ, Jul 14, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
  8. What about hindhead. Did you say the same there and is there no benefit to a road that no longer goes through small, winding villages with 40t trucks?!
  9. All the local villages will be greatly enhanced by this. If you could divert all the HGVs,
    Those villages you are suggesting will be destroyed are screaming out for something to be done, they are sick and tired of being rat runs whilst vehicles try and avoid the congestion.

    Our village is 8 miles away from the stones and is continually blighted by traffic, including HGVs, trying to avoid the congestion that takes hours to get through. Salisbury is blighted by it for the same reason. If the A303 was fit for purpose more people would use it.

    There is no plan and never was to dig a tunnel under Stonehenge, after it’s finished the visitor experience will be massively improved without HGVs and continuous road noise in the background.
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  10. Cheddar Fork?
    These things always best considered with a light snack….!
  11. Oh good, ten years of utter carnage while they build this tunnel.
  12. i drove that road last week. gridlocked doesn't really cover it with massive loads going through the centre of all those lovely wee villages. pity.
  13. The henge is a UNESCO world heritage site & as far as I recall, the tunnel is planned too go under the site. And making a tunnel they're probably going to remove the stones & resite them back, its not a large enough project to command a bore-style setup. I can't talk towards hindhead as it took place in a time I was not observant too the works or reasoning for it. What the A303 needs is expanding the dual carriage way all the way along it, killing off the little villages frankly.
  14. It’s seems the compromise needed. Don’t destroy everything but quicken and divert traffic from small, low speed roads. Ideally you’d have a dual carriageway/motorway from ringwood to st Ives but they isn’t viable/allowable
  15. You should look at the plans, there is and never has been a plan to move Stonehenge, although…..

    did you know it was rebuilt in 1958 ?

    all the archaeological and geological tests nearest the Stones have been carried out South of the A303.
  16. So it’s been moved and rebuilt already, yet they’re going to cause utter chaos to protect it. What on earth is the world coming to? Just move it two miles into the sticks, job done.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. They did a shit job.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. I said a while ago that rather spending £100bn plus on that train to get you from Manchester to London 4 mins quicker another motorway should’ve been built to from the midlands to the southwest to help reduce the traffic on the M5.
    Anyone who has travelled to Devon/Cornwall will know how busy that road is (as well as the a 39?)
    Need to put more freight on the railway. I’ve seen lorries from Truro up in Scotland, surely rail freight would be better?

    I have travelled past Stonehenge once via the 303, nightmare!
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