Two front nine and two back nine birdies got me the win today. New irons working really well, alongside 4 hybrid. Need to work on wedges and driver. Lessons worth every penny.
I agree totally I’ll never work people out. The 10 year olds owner had died and that’s why he came to us and he lived to 15! The 9 year old had been used as a punch bag and is the most badly damaged dog I’ve ever seen, he had cauliflower ears and scars all over him but was such a big gentle bear despite all that. Still makes me angry now what they did to him.
Did about 130 ish miles and ended up at Clee Hill, amazing views up there. Wore my mesh jacket again so I’m freezing now.
Well, end of the first day marshalling at Brands Hatch. Caught up with friends over a beer ..... or 3 and now ready to chill before heading to bed. 10 hours track side is a long day but hey, we volunteered for a reason, we enjoyed it Andy
An elderly single lady that uses her microwave and frying pan a lot, but not on the heavyside weightwise.
Yeah, whatever. It's like bloody November now here at Brands. No tables in the kentagon for food, so back in the van and emergency pizza's
Shocking weather continues unabated so... I bought some new (to me) wheels this morning for the Mini. They need some TLC to put them back in good condition, some of which is now done following a day spent in my (wooden) research and development centre located at the bottom of the garden! Ronal R98 are the perfect retro wheels for my retro '08 car.