Cycling across a Zebra Crossing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phantomfighter, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. well that depends.
    I bet I could cover 10 mile through london faster than you.
    me on a bike. you in a car

    it makes perfect sense with cyclists being at the front. from an accident standpoint perfect sense....and the road engineers agree who devise these plans and the councillors, who we elected to implement. ..;)
    #101 Phill, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2013
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  2. This is done so that the cyclists can safely jump the red light and get out of everyone's way before the light goes green. I found in London that this did everyone a favour, apart from the dog in the manger types who go apoplectic the moment the highway code and the law aren't respected. No one coming - quiet junction - make a getaway while you can before you get bulldozed by a hoard of cars, vans and lorries. They get a clear road when the lights change, you are already halfway down the street. Everyone's a winner (©Hot Chocolate).
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  3. I'll take your tenner, no problem.
  4. Reckon you'd loose you tenner Fig - I mean, you probably won't run red lights, go the wrong way up one-way streets, drive on the pavement, ignore give way signs, and all the other things that cyclists do...
  5. lol. hed lose because id be faster.
    across central london youd be snarled up.
    or lets pick sunderland to newcastle.
    id still win at peak times while you lot of lard arses are fucking chewing on at buses, van drivers and wagons or anything else that gets in your self righteous way
  6. I'd win if I broke as many laws as you, and you know it.
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  7. Fig, obviously I didn't block any van driver in with my car. That was tongue in cheek, but the point is still valid. There are a lot of guys in all sorts of vehicle, some with sign writing with appalling road manners. A lot of cyclists won't use those companies if they've had bad experiences.

    I used to use a small lane in London that was wide enough for one vehicle and was regularly run off the road by the same driver. A couple of time, I took his picture and sent them to Occado. Never saw him again.
  8. And I can do 14 miles into the centre of London in 55 minutes. There's no way you could do that in a car
  9. not legally anyway :upyeah:. Possible at 03:00, but that's only practical for a few of us early starters :smile:
  10. My regular commute from Chertsey to Smithfield (that's 28 miles) takes me roughly an hour and five minutes, and I bet I break less laws than you would. Fancy it then..?
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  11. Woot.

    Jerry, fig and, ah, Clarkson in his smug-o-matic pompous-mobile and we have the makings of a Top Gear Special :upyeah:
  12. Hey Figgy, I work by Smithfields. Fancy some lunch in SOS sometime?
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  13. heheee :)

  14. Starting at 9AM Fig?

    BTW, when I was 18, I lived not far from where I do now and did the 12 mile trip from Westminster to home in 17 minutes : ) In my mini cooper - amazing fun!
  15. The other difference of course Fig, is that you'll arrive after 65 minutes of being comfortable and listening to your favourite tunes in perfect stereo sound, and the lycra-clad eco-warrior will arrive either warm, sweaty and miserable (summer) of cold, wet and miserable (winter)... You'll be at peace with the world, and he'll be annoyed at all the car drivers, bus drivers, lorry drivers, motorcyclists et al that have dared to get in his way...
  16. Well JR, I have to say that that was not really my experience as a London commuter on a bicycle. The short trip (about 20 mins) used to be the best part of the whole day. On the trip from Battersea to Oxford Circus it was an unofficial race with everyone else - trying to break the opposition on the Hyde Park cycleway parallel to Park Lane - great fun! I liked the constant progress, and the exercise.

    My other frequent route was from Kennington to Oxford Circus. Not quite so amusing (because Kennington isn't) but fun nonetheless. There also weren't so many other thrusting white bourgeois cyclists to race (tells you something about Kennington...).

    Yes I arrived at work sweaty, but there were showers so it didn't matter. I also arrived well woken up and having had 20 mins of vigorous exercise.

    I don't get all the cycle hate. Sure there are knobs, but there are knobs in any vehicle (or just on foot). The cyclists' sense of entitlement (such as there is one) is surely that they aren't causing the jams, or the pollution or much of the danger. As a motorcyclist, I don't have much time for the mobile chicanes that are cars, but as I am often in one... People need to chill out a bit more.
  17. never really get annoyed as i have my own lane and box at lights lol
    quite the opposite....too. like glid said - its invigorating.
    and if i want to waste money I use my car and if i want to be cold and wet i use my motorbike.
    never feel the cold on my cycle though.
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