Anyone got or know of any reasonably priced Ducati engine stands, or a drawing or template to make one? Innovative ideas welcome! But not sky hooks, as suppliers have run out
Here my erm... rough & ready made contraption used for working on a old bevel engine. It was a bit of a faff fitting it because the engine had to be taken out of the frame before bolting it on. It's a basic cantilever that attaches to the rear engine mounts using the same bolts and then sits on the made up dolly for moving about - if only I could weld... Hopefully the following photos should give a good idea (with plenty of bin action for you know who )
I have a Clarke gearbox jack which I bought to take the gearbox out of a Boxster. I made 2 brackets that clamp the bottom of the engine. Works on a 748/916/1098
Simple stand to copy
Good old ratchet straps - were would we be without them. I fine looking garage you have there. Any creature comforts like a kettle and a double hotplate for beans & fried bread? And Maxton front & rear I notice.
I managed to find a few more bits of information which allowed me to have the engine stand built. I should add that apart from the stand I also had an engine cradle made where you could sit the engine on it and using two screw jacks you could lift it up into the frame. Here's the information, in no order, I sent to the member that made the stand. Finally, he did actually sell a few on eBay at one point. Here are the very basic plans I sent him as I got these from a defunct website and he was able to make the final article using all that I sent him. All photos below are from the old website I also wrote this :- I have attached a copy of the scan I took of the mounting plate that fits into my engine stand. I don't know how it will come out but the dimensions are: Bottom 200mm (width) Top 160mm (width) Hole diameter 13mm (1/2") The holes are 20mm from the edges (left and right) on the bottom of the plate and 24mm from the edges left and right at the top of the plate. From the top and bottom of each edge the holes are 20mm from each edge. The plate tapers from 200mm at the bottom to 160mm at the top.
WOW such craftsmanship, I can only dream !! I've found rachet straps & bricks are a good platform to build upon And cheap
Considering he worked this engine stand mount out from what I sent him above he did an incredible job. The stand was made in 2009 so it clearly has stood the test of time. At the moment there is a 748 engine mounted on the stand and that has been sitting there for a few years now with no sign of the stand mount sagging. Great craftsmanship and I guess the parts were all laser-cut very accurately.
Here is the stand I got from Hauge in the Nordics. Desk stand and able to rotate and superb quality. If you want to borrow it, happy to help out, all depends on where you are (I am in Surrey).
I rattled these off using 1” x 1” tube. Not as effective as the ones above but good enough for stripping the bike down.